Friday, June 16, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Went With the Script (clearer)

Sorry about the prior post, here's the comments in full (not cut off on the right). I really don't doubt any of it, though am only shocked, and impressed if Trump really is not only aware of , "what is up," but is then also willing to help protect others from those murderous, psychotic, satanic fools.

Taken from;

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Elizabeth Carter  Eddie_Baby • a day ago
Scalise was sent to the hospital where Seth Rich "died". But President Trump showed up unexpectedly and put his own doctor on the case. Now the hospital is scrambling to repair the damage they did before they got caught.
Pelosi was right if everything had gone as planned, but it didn't. She was just working off of yesterday's script.
Scalise was heavily involved in stopping the pedo rings and human trafficking. That is why Seth Rich suddenly got offed.
I am so grateful that President Trump showed up at the hospital and put a stop to their plans for Scalise. I am praying that he survives.
Swamp draining is not easy. As President Trump says, "It's complicated."
God Bless you President Trump and keep up the good work.
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HollyB  Elizabeth Carter • a day ago
In 2009, Pelosi had a big beef with John Murtha over who was going to be Speaker..
Shortly afterward ,in January 2010, Murtha went into the hospital for a gallbladder operation and died.
The surgery was done at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

Really how many people die from a gallbladder operation?
He was my Congressman at the time.
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Elizabeth Carter  HollyB • a day ago
Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten about that.
It makes me wonder how these people can do these things and stand in front of the world and act so sanctimonious. They are so evil it hurts to even think about.
What is it they say??? Keep your friends close and kill your enemies??
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Beth Williams  Elizabeth Carter • a day ago
Nancy is the same woman who LIED about what the Pope (Benedict) said to her about her blind devotion to abortion - basically absolving her of her endorsement of abortion. Benedict had to come out publically and tell the truth about what he said to her and it wasn't what she claimed!
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SophieA  Elizabeth Carter • a day ago
Wow! I wondered why Trump visited Scalise so quickly. Praying for Scalise's full recovery and thanking God our President knows how to protect those at risk.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

This is Why Everything is Happening: The Heat is ON for Human Trafficking

When I read up on the "crazed," shooting yesterday in re: to the Republican senator who was shot, I initally thought, hmm, seems like once again, they're going to try to denounce those who question the presented dialog.  Then I saw this;

Now, think about what he said, and what his GOAL was, and compile that with the ABSOLUTE MEDIA SILENCE ON AG SESSIONS ATLANTA SPEECH, and their "mission," is blatantly clear.  Those within the Establishment, from ALL OVER, not just DC, do not want a "war on human traffickers."  That, is what this is all about.  Mind you, when I was attending Uni, I wrote countless papers on the global human trafficking trade.  It was said that it is the most lucrative black market business, globally.  Yet, not ONE NATION COULD PRESENT current stats for it ($$$$ wise).  I wonder why.

And from my own posted comment to this video, which I am not going to talk about anymore, being as no one truly gives a chit until it's their own kid, my one kid affected is safe, and these people sincerely DO NOT PLAY, AND  they also run the courts;

figure out my "real name," and look into where my kid's $$$ went via Lancaster County (PA) Domestic Relations (circa may 2014- june 2015), and you'll find it'll lead to the source of what I believe will also lead to a major child sex trafficking ring. LE in our case confirmed they knew what was going on, but higher ups made the investigations, "go away." As a pa dnc insider asked me two days ago, "how?'" How could they make it, "go away," follow the money, baby. Judges and politicians are owned by those who give them the most campaign contributions. We will never be able to prove pedophilia, because of the way our laws are written along with lawyers twisting that chit, but we CAN always, follow the money.

I pray, in Jesus's Name, that these mu&*er cluckers find their way to a prison cell.

caio! IO & MOI ;)

Saturday, June 3, 2017


Mind+Body+Spirit= The Holy Trinity of US, the individual.

It's also what is at "the core" of healing with energy, and wellness.

Here's what I want you to think about; IF the mind didn't have the power to HEAL, than riddle me the placebo effect.   Everyone I know, who is either pro or involved in Western medicine acknowledge the placebo effect, often to discredit healing with natural products, such as herbs. So, they must know and not doubt themselves the authenticity of the placebo effect.  Now once again, riddle me, how is OUR MIND, NOT OUR MOST POWERFUL ASSET?

may we all (myself included) try to have Faith in God and God's eternal love,

Enjoy the rest of your day!