While responding to a video in regards to the Jehovah Witness possible child sex ring***, etc. I shared something I know, yet had hidden away in my memories; that of the lack thereof, of those within the psychology fields, of handing over said abusers to law enforcement.
I spent a great deal of my childhood locked away in NYS rehabs (four winds, arms acres, st. vincent's, etc), a behavioral modification school (Amity in italy), and a halfway house in chippewa falls, WI. I was sent to most, for being, "on the pot!," with the exceptions of four winds, and then amity, as I was sent to those in succession for running away from my home when I was 14. The rest were subsequent. ***
ALL of those places mentioned above, were FILLED, PRIMARILY WITH ADOLESCENTS. Adolescents who had been sexually abused in their childhoods, and usually, in their homes. These things would come out within group therapy sessions, and for the most part, I believed them all. There were a few at Amity who I feel, were pressured into saying it, being as we'd be locked in a room, on the other side of the ocean, indefinitely until they, "cracked." But the rest, my gut told me then, and now, that these kids were telling the truth.
NOW, NEVER, DID I ONCE SEE LEGAL CHARGES BROUGHT FORTH AGAINST SAID ACCUSED. NOT ONCE. And to make matters worse, the accused would often come around whichever campus we were on! Even sadder, at these places within the United States, IF a kid would act out, have a freak out, etc., which can be common, WHEN NO ONE IS LISTENING TO YOU, you can bet the staff would call law enforcement, adding more trouble onto to an already troubled child's life.
NOW, NEVER, DID I ONCE SEE LEGAL CHARGES BROUGHT FORTH AGAINST SAID ACCUSED. NOT ONCE. And to make matters worse, the accused would often come around whichever campus we were on! Even sadder, at these places within the United States, IF a kid would act out, have a freak out, etc., which can be common, WHEN NO ONE IS LISTENING TO YOU, you can bet the staff would call law enforcement, adding more trouble onto to an already troubled child's life.
OK> some food for thought, CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE WASN'T EVEN A, "THING," UNTIL THE 1970's. Just think about that for a moment.
Finally, here's a link to the documentary film, An Open Secret (about the pedophlia problem plaguing hollywood).
Have a good day.
*** I became a "druggie," after leaving these places - so, 18+, and a heroin addict, 20+, though sober since the ages of 24/25. My mentality/logic, at that time had been, why not become all the things I've been labeled, AND, I did, want to try to die. Dio Mio! My adolescence is probably why I embrace the aging process now!!! For, it is nothing short of a miracle that I'm alive, after having such idiotic thought processes as a youngster, lol.
*** there were often Jehovah Witness kids in the NYS rehabs, and with what they'd share, this news of child sex rings within their church, is not a surprise.
*** I became a "druggie," after leaving these places - so, 18+, and a heroin addict, 20+, though sober since the ages of 24/25. My mentality/logic, at that time had been, why not become all the things I've been labeled, AND, I did, want to try to die. Dio Mio! My adolescence is probably why I embrace the aging process now!!! For, it is nothing short of a miracle that I'm alive, after having such idiotic thought processes as a youngster, lol.
*** there were often Jehovah Witness kids in the NYS rehabs, and with what they'd share, this news of child sex rings within their church, is not a surprise.