Friday, May 19, 2017

Spiritual Control Over Humanity

Guys, gals, when I said that we ARE in fact, living, fighting a spiritual war, daily, little did I know, just how right I was.

Several weeks ago, I finished Transylvanian Sunrise, and if you can, get it and read it.  Much of what is in there, many of you will already inherently know, though, seeing it, laid out so perfectly, precisely, the ("their") plan of human enslavement, I don't know, it just reinforces, for us to keep on trucking, fighting, clawing our way through this life.  Because, it is not and will not be in vain.

I had already known, that nothing is coincidence, and even before reading this book, simply by reflecting back on my life, I had myself started to think, maybe it wasn't "just" coincidence, but time travel.  What brought these thoughts on were just weird, little incidences that had always stuck with me.  Conversations that had long confused me, especially being as, my morals, thoughts, ideas and ideals were FAR more liberal as a child, teen, twenty year old, than they are now.

There had been many instances where people, people I had known well, would say little things to me, that at the time, would shock me (i.e.: concluding my conservative, Pro-Christ stance, long before I even knew I had one.  In fact, I had loudly espoused otherwise!).  And as such, reflecting back more recently I had begun to feel it was as if they knew me, who I am now, and had only been "visiting" me as a child, or teen, etc..

Next, my youngest son.  He, like many others his age, has a phone, tablet, etc., and usually he loves, but had began polluting his mind with scary youtube videos.  That led to our having the conversation of "inviting satan, the devil, into your mind."  Which, if you understand the plan of spiritual enslavement, is and has been done on purpose.   Corrupting children, attacking the mind, body and spirit (which we all should know, I'm just saying it again, idk maybe the lesson is, it's a constant battle, we cannot ever let our guards down).

Lastly, aliens.  I'm not going to lie, I had long thought maybe white folks (which I am 50% of myself) were maybe born of aliens, because how the F they could go around harming and treating people who didn't look like they did, as they had.  Just think for a moment of the slave to plantation owner ratio.  And the slaves never took over violently?  That to me shows their inherent divine composure as they were the majority on those fields.  A "divine composure" it seems many full whites lack.***  However, now, I think we are all born of alien seed.  Maybe that's why those DNA pillars are in that church in Ireland (or england, scotland, I forget).  Not to mention, it's all seems to tie into the whole freemason, hillel worshipping players, and what they know, and WHY they'd want to, ABOVE ALL ELSE, maintain PURE spiritual control over the rest of us.  And why? Because energy, the individual's energy to the UNSEEN, to themselves, to GOD, mysticism, angels/aliens, it's ALL REAL. 

I'd also like to add, I don't believe true aliens are barbaric, but rather are benevolent.  I believe that WE are barbaric, because as I have said here many, many times; humans have FREE WILL and more often than not will use it for selfishness.

allora, adios amigos.

*** I am not trying to entice a race war, no way.  However, there is still, to this day, much racial hatred by the poor and lower middle class whites, and I simply wish they'd SEE that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.   THEY are slaves too.  Those controlling us, think no better of them because their skin is white, as they do a brown, black, red, purple, green person.  It's a false division that the sooner you wake up from, the sooner we can all unite to free ourselves from (them).  Clear up your pineal gland, people.

In the TRUE SOLE GOD I trust.  amen.

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