let me explain something that needs to be known and understood.
You all know what happened with my youngest daughter.
In hindsight, being as everything IS energy, I probably brought that on us, myself (even more so than hooking up with her father whom I met, coming to, and finding him having sex with me). This, is deeper than that.
Around 2002, after I had gotten myself sober, off the streets, etc. we, my three kids, my youngest daughter's father and I were all living in an apartment complex in lancaster, pa which at that time was called hershey heritage. we alluded ourselves to the show, the jeffersons, "movin' on up."
My adopted father bought us a computer, and I started researching the temple of s*t (aka seth, aka satan). I was researching, basically, phucking around with the idea of gaining riches, etc. by playing with "the energy."
At hershey heritage, our apartment faced the woods and to the right was a field, then the playground. One day, I left my older two there while I ran back to the apartment. When I came back, a grandmother, that I recognized from the complex told me that a young, twentiesh year old white male had been taking pictures of my kids, and pointed to which apartment was his. I confronted him, and he said it was for a class project for Millersville University. I called the university police to ask if a professor would have students take pictures of kids on a playground for a project, they said no, and to report it to the police. I did.
Lancaster City police came, and along with the security for the apartment complex, they sided with me, stating that it was unacceptable, and went to talk to the guy. When they came back, the cop said, the guy was threatening to press charges against me, as I had told him, "that if I find out he was indeed being sinister, I'd rip his jugular out with my teeth," which I would. I'm an animal. Or was. The cop said, he would've said the same thing if it were his kids. The apartment security guard was nodding in agreement, when suddenly, his radio went off - the lady from the office at hershey heritage was now saying SHE had him take pictures for their brochure! I looked at the cop and said, "that's likely," sarcastically, being as, if that were the case, the guy would have said so at the get go which he did not (I'm getting to my point).
I had lived a crazy life up until then. One. that I had thought encapsulated a lot (i.e.: the street, living w richies in ct, ny, europe, etc). But none of it prepared me for the world, of child trafficking, child pornography, and or, for understanding just how far their tentacles reach!
The cop did clarify for me what had likely been going on; taking pictures of kids, putting them up on sinister sites, for pedos to know where to find them, etc. A sort of shopping mall for pedos.
Shortly after that, I was sitting at the kiddie pool at the same complex when I woman came and sat next to me. She was an older white woman, who didn't live at the complex (they sold pool passes to anyone). She offered up to me, the information that she did volunteer work with the court, and shared that she knew of men, who had raped infants, to the degree that the child, would have to have a colostomy bag - FOR LIFE, and they only got six months probation, if that! Yes, I wondered for many years, WHY she decided to sit next to me and share these horror stories, but when I began my journey, as a teen, my adopted mother gave me the book, The Celestine Prophecy (which I'm rereading again now), so I know, or KNEW enough, to register in my brain this convo. That it meant something. And it did.
Here's what I am getting at; why'd and HOW'D the lady from the office at hershey heritage, come to the defense of this guy (who moved out shortly afterwards)? The TRUTH DOES NOT CHANGE, lies do. That's #1. #2, what I've now come to find out, which is the one person who was at the helm of what I know, and what SEVERAL, LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS CONFIRMED, as being the head of "illegal businesses," (i.e.: child trafficking, child pornography, drug dealing, etc.), isn't Rahiem from the hood. No, this guy is at functions and winning money at the local psychology center, he is going to the weddings of judges at the state level, and county levels, kids. He plays with The Establishment. HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT. And his tentacles reach everywhere. NOT TO MENTION, he also has "legitimate" businesses. Ones, that get his shady AF workers into people's homes! He also owns mountains of rental properties, ranging from vacation properties for the wealthy (with kids), to the poors.
He (this man at the helm of some sinsiter chit) ended up coming into our lives that summer too, as my youngest daughter's father bought a row home downtown. It was one of those, no money down and walk out with $5g deals. The mortgage broker who hooked up the deal was living with this "man who is at the helm," and so it began. He first set his sights on my son, when I refuted all of his "kind gestures," that many others fell for, including my daughter's father, he then went after the five year old, my daughter (life on the street taught me the signs of how to spot a pimp. This guy, I knew, was a pimp.....I just, initially, didn't realize he was a child pimp too, though knew he "wanted," my son. And being as my youngest daughter's father worshipped $$$, was impressed with anyone with $$$, he fell hook, line and sinker for this guy. Just about left me for him - not that it was a great loss, being how I met him, but nonetheless, that's how my youngest daughter became involved in the child porn, trafficking chit - on her father's court scheduled weekend visits. ALL hearings, court proceedings, etc, fought with lawyers paid for by this man).
***THE POINT, this man is extremely powerful within the county, state and in DE (from what lawyers have told me confidentially). Therefor, had I not been so beyond repulsed at the thought of ANYONE sexualizing any of my children, Lord knows, I could have been "paid," handsomely. Paid via connections, with jobs, opportunities, "luxuries," etc., instead of what did end up happening, being raped financially, and tried, spiritually. This chit is all real, and anyone who does support, protect, etc. child rapists, molesters, traffickers, pornographers, IS A SATANIST - in the truest sense. END OF.
These people are winning. They are everywhere. They can get into your homes, put up cameras, watch your kids, decide they want your kid. If you're lucky, they'll only corrupt your kid, not steal them all together/.
Everyone thinks this is only a problem with Children and Youth agencies taking your kids. No, it's not. These people, excuse me, these vermin are EVERYWHERE.
People, there is not a crime worse on this planet that that of the defiling of a child. And anyone who protects that, supports that, endorses that has simply put, GOT TO GO. Go, into the pit of eternal darkness. IN Jesus's Name I Pray.
Be wary, Be strong and Be vigilant
In Jesus's Name.
***added thought****
Kid's, it's where the real money's at. And if you want to knock yournewswire, just remember, they had reported on the UN classifying Israel as THE WORST violator of human rights, LONG before the msm were reporting it.
This problem is real, and ignoring it will not make it go away.
Last thing, it's funny, because I lived on the streets in NYC, LA, and SF for years, and part of the time with babies! Never, were my kids, or I in danger like what we faced here, in lancaster, pa. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, the worst people on planet earth, look "normal," have normal jobs, are always, part of the establishment, and THEY LOOK THE PART (aka "normal,"), but the EVIL that exists within them is certainly unfounded on the streets, amongst the downtrodden, homeless, the poor. I've never seen anything like it. They are THE ONLY ONES to ignore rumors of pedophilia. They ONLY ONES. let that sink in, again.
Ok. I'm done for the day. May, Godbless.
You all know what happened with my youngest daughter.
In hindsight, being as everything IS energy, I probably brought that on us, myself (even more so than hooking up with her father whom I met, coming to, and finding him having sex with me). This, is deeper than that.
Around 2002, after I had gotten myself sober, off the streets, etc. we, my three kids, my youngest daughter's father and I were all living in an apartment complex in lancaster, pa which at that time was called hershey heritage. we alluded ourselves to the show, the jeffersons, "movin' on up."
My adopted father bought us a computer, and I started researching the temple of s*t (aka seth, aka satan). I was researching, basically, phucking around with the idea of gaining riches, etc. by playing with "the energy."
At hershey heritage, our apartment faced the woods and to the right was a field, then the playground. One day, I left my older two there while I ran back to the apartment. When I came back, a grandmother, that I recognized from the complex told me that a young, twentiesh year old white male had been taking pictures of my kids, and pointed to which apartment was his. I confronted him, and he said it was for a class project for Millersville University. I called the university police to ask if a professor would have students take pictures of kids on a playground for a project, they said no, and to report it to the police. I did.
Lancaster City police came, and along with the security for the apartment complex, they sided with me, stating that it was unacceptable, and went to talk to the guy. When they came back, the cop said, the guy was threatening to press charges against me, as I had told him, "that if I find out he was indeed being sinister, I'd rip his jugular out with my teeth," which I would. I'm an animal. Or was. The cop said, he would've said the same thing if it were his kids. The apartment security guard was nodding in agreement, when suddenly, his radio went off - the lady from the office at hershey heritage was now saying SHE had him take pictures for their brochure! I looked at the cop and said, "that's likely," sarcastically, being as, if that were the case, the guy would have said so at the get go which he did not (I'm getting to my point).
I had lived a crazy life up until then. One. that I had thought encapsulated a lot (i.e.: the street, living w richies in ct, ny, europe, etc). But none of it prepared me for the world, of child trafficking, child pornography, and or, for understanding just how far their tentacles reach!
The cop did clarify for me what had likely been going on; taking pictures of kids, putting them up on sinister sites, for pedos to know where to find them, etc. A sort of shopping mall for pedos.
Shortly after that, I was sitting at the kiddie pool at the same complex when I woman came and sat next to me. She was an older white woman, who didn't live at the complex (they sold pool passes to anyone). She offered up to me, the information that she did volunteer work with the court, and shared that she knew of men, who had raped infants, to the degree that the child, would have to have a colostomy bag - FOR LIFE, and they only got six months probation, if that! Yes, I wondered for many years, WHY she decided to sit next to me and share these horror stories, but when I began my journey, as a teen, my adopted mother gave me the book, The Celestine Prophecy (which I'm rereading again now), so I know, or KNEW enough, to register in my brain this convo. That it meant something. And it did.
Here's what I am getting at; why'd and HOW'D the lady from the office at hershey heritage, come to the defense of this guy (who moved out shortly afterwards)? The TRUTH DOES NOT CHANGE, lies do. That's #1. #2, what I've now come to find out, which is the one person who was at the helm of what I know, and what SEVERAL, LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS CONFIRMED, as being the head of "illegal businesses," (i.e.: child trafficking, child pornography, drug dealing, etc.), isn't Rahiem from the hood. No, this guy is at functions and winning money at the local psychology center, he is going to the weddings of judges at the state level, and county levels, kids. He plays with The Establishment. HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT. And his tentacles reach everywhere. NOT TO MENTION, he also has "legitimate" businesses. Ones, that get his shady AF workers into people's homes! He also owns mountains of rental properties, ranging from vacation properties for the wealthy (with kids), to the poors.
He (this man at the helm of some sinsiter chit) ended up coming into our lives that summer too, as my youngest daughter's father bought a row home downtown. It was one of those, no money down and walk out with $5g deals. The mortgage broker who hooked up the deal was living with this "man who is at the helm," and so it began. He first set his sights on my son, when I refuted all of his "kind gestures," that many others fell for, including my daughter's father, he then went after the five year old, my daughter (life on the street taught me the signs of how to spot a pimp. This guy, I knew, was a pimp.....I just, initially, didn't realize he was a child pimp too, though knew he "wanted," my son. And being as my youngest daughter's father worshipped $$$, was impressed with anyone with $$$, he fell hook, line and sinker for this guy. Just about left me for him - not that it was a great loss, being how I met him, but nonetheless, that's how my youngest daughter became involved in the child porn, trafficking chit - on her father's court scheduled weekend visits. ALL hearings, court proceedings, etc, fought with lawyers paid for by this man).
***THE POINT, this man is extremely powerful within the county, state and in DE (from what lawyers have told me confidentially). Therefor, had I not been so beyond repulsed at the thought of ANYONE sexualizing any of my children, Lord knows, I could have been "paid," handsomely. Paid via connections, with jobs, opportunities, "luxuries," etc., instead of what did end up happening, being raped financially, and tried, spiritually. This chit is all real, and anyone who does support, protect, etc. child rapists, molesters, traffickers, pornographers, IS A SATANIST - in the truest sense. END OF.
These people are winning. They are everywhere. They can get into your homes, put up cameras, watch your kids, decide they want your kid. If you're lucky, they'll only corrupt your kid, not steal them all together/.
Everyone thinks this is only a problem with Children and Youth agencies taking your kids. No, it's not. These people, excuse me, these vermin are EVERYWHERE.
People, there is not a crime worse on this planet that that of the defiling of a child. And anyone who protects that, supports that, endorses that has simply put, GOT TO GO. Go, into the pit of eternal darkness. IN Jesus's Name I Pray.
Be wary, Be strong and Be vigilant
In Jesus's Name.
***added thought****
Kid's, it's where the real money's at. And if you want to knock yournewswire, just remember, they had reported on the UN classifying Israel as THE WORST violator of human rights, LONG before the msm were reporting it.
This problem is real, and ignoring it will not make it go away.
Last thing, it's funny, because I lived on the streets in NYC, LA, and SF for years, and part of the time with babies! Never, were my kids, or I in danger like what we faced here, in lancaster, pa. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, the worst people on planet earth, look "normal," have normal jobs, are always, part of the establishment, and THEY LOOK THE PART (aka "normal,"), but the EVIL that exists within them is certainly unfounded on the streets, amongst the downtrodden, homeless, the poor. I've never seen anything like it. They are THE ONLY ONES to ignore rumors of pedophilia. They ONLY ONES. let that sink in, again.
Ok. I'm done for the day. May, Godbless.
I realize, what I wrote above makes me look awful. You know, for the first 24 yrs of my life, I was. It was this post that had a twitter person call me a crazy woman/prostitute. Ah, I didn't begin to value myself, until long after I got sober, so why would I have ever charged? lol
ReplyDeleteSecond, I've had long talks w my birth father in re to fault. He felt it was my fault, for bearing my child (who went through this), but I always counter w, then it's his fault for creating me! Considering he was 15, and she, 14 at the time.
No. I still feel it was energy. "The universe is listening, be careful what you say in it."
My kid is nearly an adult now. And she's strong, confident, sassy too, but I could not be more proud of her, or my other kids. Surprisingly, to many I'm sure, I've raised some truly, amazing, kind, God loving and conservative humans.
Truth though, I've always been honest with them, about all of my own, "ugly truths." The ugliness of the world, etc. Because it's real. (And, imo, I think that's key. Be truthful even if it makes you look bad)
Lastly, during the height of all of this, my daughter would ask, "why is God putting me through this?" But, now, it makes sense to her, my other kids, myself. Not to sound too cheesy, but God does have a plan. And life, with all of it's different moments, are like a flowing river. For, if we hadn't gone through all of this, her perp wouldn't have been driving down our street, daily, at the precise moment she'd be walking up it from school, AFTER we got her the three yr pfa aka restraining order. Which was what led me to have a mini breakdown (the cops told me he could drive up and down our street. It was truly, the final straw for me, the final defeat), and this led me to call the only person, outside of those I've made, who'd listen and who understood exactly what we were going through - my on/off,& at that time off, bf of five years (bc I needed someone to talk to). Which then, surprisingly led to us getting back together, getting married and having, "the baby."
No one in the family likes to give that pedo's stalking, credit for creating the family that we have now (as annoying as we may find each other, we all feel blessed). But, it is true.
So, the point is; don't be so quick to judge other's paths (Bad decisions can come to good, if you learn from them, etc.). As GOD does work in mysterious ways.
Amen, and Godbless.