Friday, August 3, 2018

Light Behind the Light

This is a great place, I feel, to start, if you're just starting to, "think," about things outside of social media (Kim K, etc).

My five year old is obsessed with talking and thinking about, God, the devil, Light, darkness, etc.  And, he's concluded that the sun is God, and asks often, "who made God?" Hence this title of this post, which I took from a line in this video (in the same theory of the sun being a symbol of God), what is the Light behind the Light?

Second, I was listening to an Alan Watts speech the other night, and he said something which I know/knew, but didn't (you get me?). He asked, "when does life begin? At birth? Conception? And when does it end? Not at death. Life continues after death, and as such, began before your/our own conception.  Everything is eternal.  Never ending, on a cycle.  A circle."

Yes.  I get that.  I don't know why I'm sharing both together, but it's all tied together in my mind.

Kids, have, in my opinion, memories still of the otherside.  Of the eternal infinite.  So it's fun, and important, to listen to their thoughts on such things as God.

But in knowing that it's all one cycle.  We're always US, ourselves.  Combined with remembering the power we have as human beings, and harnessing that (as talked about in the above video), I feel, that's our, or at least, my, "trip," now.

My son, seems to have an inherent knowledge of God, that Light, but it was I who had to explain the negatives and why (why people WANT to pollute the minds, the masses, etc.). Just an interesting thing to note.

OK. Godbless.

**I'm fully aware of manly p hall's Masonic affiliation. 

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