Monday, November 30, 2015

Lord, Let Me Live So I Can Make You Proud Again

We are in dark times.  It is actually beyond frightening.  No matter what time of day, or what the situation, when I hear my youngest call for me, or when I am holding them, I cannot help but think of the mothers in Palestine, Syria, Columbia, America, who have been watching their children bleed. And it breaks me, because only there by the grace of God, it is not me - yet.

I don't want to judge.  It is not up to us to judge.  I feel that whatever it is that a person does, bringing harm to themselves, as per written in the Book, they will have up until the final hour to seek forgiveness and ask for redemption from God.  I don't believe that those who harm others fall into this category, nor those who protect those who do.  I'm not judging these sorts, I aim to steer clear.  But this is not really what this post is about.

Just after I wrote my last post, I went to lay on my bed, feeling deeply depressed.  I was worried about having war on US soil.  If I did not have children, I know I would feel differently.  But love changes everything.  So, I laid down, decided not to read one of my gazillion of books littering about my room but rather check out youtube for more depressing news (I kid).  I then came across this video from the ISS with actual pictures of niburu.

Now, I don't know if I would have become so excited about this had I not witnessed several strange things myself, in the sky this past summer.  Nevertheless, the video of the ISS feed, really brightened my day, because Lord knows, I'd sooner face a wrath beyond man's control than face more humans giving into their evil.


Something which struck a chord in me in the above video; the man talking at the beginning mentioned that many have been capturing photos of the second sun.  I've been sitting on two people's photo's taken simultaneously, without knowledge of the other, and one not even trying to capture anything at all save for a "cool sunset", the Sunday before Labor day of this year.  I will share them with you now.

Notice between the sun and the "F".  It is faint.  This was taken by my child's friend at around 7:15 pm.  The dot above the 8 is a glare.

My girlfriend took this a few mins after my child received the above snapchat, thus around 7:20-22 pm (my text history could pinpoint exact time for she texted me with what she was seeing).  She is a semi professional photographer, and I believed I saw the second sun the previous Friday.  She, I don't know, possibly was out with her special cameras to prove me wrong, but captured this.  She has over 50 shots snapped between 7:15 - 7:35pm/

She said she took this with a different lens (I am not a professional though if anyone is interested can certainly connect you with her).  She said she couldn't believe what she was seeing and wanted to do all she could to prove it wasn't a flare. 

This was the very last pic she took that night.  It was the moment before the sun slipped away. Notice where the second sun, or planet or what ever it is, is (and yes I see a slight blue orb just below mystery object too).

Yes, this sh*t is real.

Time to get right with God, and may peace be upon us.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Operation Gladio

Now, I majored in Criminal Justice in school and know that even in our text books, it was stated which country enacted the concept of the "false-flag," and why.  9/11 was a false flag, even though thousands died.  We mean nothing to the people behind the false flags.  I knew it and said it back then, (when it was quite unpopular to say or even think such things), but what's a few thousand of "us", peasants , goys, to them?  It means nothing to them.

That takes us to today, the morning after the Paris aftermath.  Possibly because I became quite numb after the Sandy Hook false flag, being as I am a mother, nevertheless, I, like some others, feel like, where's the proof?  All I hear is media narrative.  "They were chanting Allah Akbar."  Ok.  That's likely.  That's an easy way to place the blame.  But come on.  These are the very same people who have incarcerated millions of people, teared apart millions of families, for a plant, meanwhile, we have men who have partook in the rape, even the sexual murder of children and nothing happens to them.  These people LOVE to have an "easy" trap.  And the vast majority fall for it.  Truthfully, more so whites, the mainstream whites who have trusted the "man" the dialog forever.  They buy up this bullshit.

I want to know, where's the cell phone footage from inside this concert venue?  Kid's today, twenty year old's, thirty year old's LIVE with a cell phone in their hand, snapping, recording everything, and there is not one cell phone video being shopped around?  All I saw was a French journalist who happened to be filming from an apartment which faced an exit of the concert hall.  I am not doubting people died, because like I've already said and have noted in all my posts, we mean NOTHING at all to these commie scumbags devouring the earth.  Nothing. But what I am doubting is who are behind the attacks.  Because clearly I believe it's these commie scumbag, illuminati, zionist, masonic pigs  (no need to slander a creation of God) demons, who want nothing more than to destroy us, then the remainder of the world, all in a bid to show God, they won.  I mean, what else is the purpose of this?  They need us as slaves for them.  Yet they LOVE to kill us off.  They've destroyed this planet, and continue to do as such, so what's their game plan?  They've convinced the vast majority that God isn't real, it's a joke, yadda yadda yadda, yet it is all real.  And they know it.  It's the game, the tug of war, the black vs white, light vs dark (and not skin tone for you morons, it's personal ENERGY), that is at the crux of this all.

If you don't have an inherent understanding of these commie demons and their game plan, I suggest you read up on Operation Gladio.

Be safe, be well and keep your head UP.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween NOT on Halloween

Ciao people!

As a woman who has been on this earth, almost forty years, residing for the most part, all in the United States of America, sans a few years outside of the US, NEVER have I heard of a more ridiculous thing than Halloween NOT being conducted on Halloween.  Well, actually, I have heard of equal and or more ridiculous things, most especially when it comes to logic in the state of PA, specifically, Lancaster County, PA but I'll get to those another day. 

Now where was I? Right.  Halloween NOT on October 31.

I have lived in my town for eleven years.  And only the first year I was here, in 2004, was Halloween NOT on Halloween.  However, this year, because Halloween falls on a Saturday, the PTB (County Power's That Be) have declared Halloween to be celebrated on the Friday night before!  So, I asked Lancaster County natives, to see if this was their normal and really I wanted to know WHY?  They all said, as if it were per the norm, that whenever Halloween falls on a Saturday, it is celebrated on the Friday before.  No one gave me a reason why.  Had Halloween not fallen on a Saturday in the past eleven years?  It's all so bizarre.  One woman ridiculed me for passing judgement on the changing of Halloween and said, "Do you have a problem with Christmas falling on different days?" However, Christmas is always on the 25th of December so I don't understand the point she was trying to make and she basically ignored me when I noted that.  She proceeded, "Or Thanksgiving?" (As if I were the stupid one), " Thanksgiving is never on the same day," she continued "and you don't have a problem with that either."  WELL DUH!!  THERE IS NO SET DATE FOR THANKSGIVING - such as there is for Halloween. 

Suffice to say, I sincerely believe that this is a test, and testament to and for the complicity of the masses.  No one questions why, they just accept and move on.  Obviously, I refuse and will go to the county over to have my child trick-or-treat on the proper night, though I will hand out candy here, as the children should not suffer any more than they already do by the Lancaster County POS (oops! did I just say that?) PTB adults. 

Thank you for reading my rant!

Be well, be safe and hang in there.