Friday, May 20, 2016

Dr. Ronald Shimschuck, Real or Fraud?

Ok, so there's an article going around the web of a supposed interview with a nibiru whistleblower, Dr. Ronald Shimschuck. Many, including myself, googled to see if this guy was an actual guy, not that I didn't buy what he was saying.  However, I'm so disenchanted with this world, that my only hope that I cling to is that nibiru is real, and that obviously could have clouded my judgement.  No doubt about it.  I want nibiru to come.  But back to Shimschuck.

The general consensus seems to be that no one is buying this guy's story because they can't "find" anything on the world wide web about him.  I'd like to make a few points.  Namely, it was stated in an earlier article from the same site that Shimschuck had worked for Mcdonnell Dougless.  When I read that, I immediately thought of how impressed my mother was that one of my classmates in boarding school's father was the CEO of McDonnell Dougless (this was in the 1990's).  Well, there's nothing on the web about him (the father). Another anomaly, well two other anomalies; another classmate of mine from the same school, is a Baron from quite the historical family.  If you google him, only two things come up. And nothing which can give too much, if anything away, just the obvious.  Also, my ex boyfriend lived across the street from Dottie Bush, GWB's sister.  The whole tip of the "island" which they lived on isn't on google maps at all, as if it doesn't exist.  I can assure you it does, and I'm sure it was blocked off of google maps for the others who live there.  Names, none of us peons would know.

MY POINT IS: there are COUNTLESS people and things which you ARE NOT GOING TO FIND ANYWHERE ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB.  What is on here, "they" are "ok" with you seeing and knowing about.  Case in point, when I got a computer (remember, I was on the street for some time) back in 2003, I was researching Ethiopia.  It was there I found that on the Julian calendar, Sept 11 is the first day of the new year.  Hmm.  9/11 (***when I went to repost the link for that info in 2009, the date had been changed).   At the same time, I also searched Uday and Qusay Hussein believing the web would be rife with info, but nothing.  Mind you, the summer before 9/11/01, I can remember reading in a Maxime Magazine a lengthy article about both of them; how they, for fun, would kidnap female University students to rape and then feed them to dogs, etc. (propaganda much?).

You have to always keep yourself in check and DON'T BELIEVE FOR A SECOND YOU KNOW EVERYTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE ON THE WEB! I tried to find last week a book written by Rabbi Baal Shem Tov - and NOTHING.  Not a thing (the "Baal" didn't go unnoticed, don't worry).

So, just because you can't find anything on this Shimschuck on the world wide web, I don't feel it's a good enough reason to dismiss what it is he is saying.  It could also be a pseudonym.  Remember, there is nothing more dangerous than the truth.

All right.  That is all.

May God bless us all.

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