Wednesday, December 14, 2016

UPDATED CORRECTION The Truth About Trump : It Can't be Good

This is just a mental fart people.

I've been still, relishing in my exhale, that HRC or the HRC clone was NOT declared the winner that I hadn't really been able to sit and think about Trump.

I, back in June, liked Trump, based solely on what he was saying about marijuana, as I back and WILL back anyone who publically denounces, calls marijuana criminalization for what it is, illegal and insane and calls for full legalization. Trump, at that time had said enough, what now I forget, as his comments from July erased all of that for me. Trump, during a stop in colorado, indicated that he was now a "well, I can see it for only medicinal purposes, kinda guy," (aka a commie, bs kinda guy).  Here's the thing for anyone thinking I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, statistically, there is more money being spent on busting people for marijuana, BY A LANDSLIDE, than for or on anything else.

Arrests by drug type

The above chart was taken from the Bureau of Justice DOT GOV site.   It shows what my own research, of government statistics that I've come across and or used from the mid 1990's on, which show consistently how marijuana has been THE NUMBER ONE for busts since, well, according the the above chart, 1994-5ish.  So there you go.  It's not for heroin, or coke, or meth, or lsd, or now the onslaught of pharmaceuticals.  Nor is the same time and energy being put into finding missing US children, or child porn sites, etc.!

I've long maintained,(calling it even a conspiracy LONG before I even knew what I know now - that yes, it is and has been a massive, global conspiracy), that it's FAR easier to see, or spot HERB, weed, the ganje, a fucking plant, than it is to do some real gaddamn work, like looking into the pit that is child sex trafficking, pornography, etc. And why?  WHY? Because of where the pit runs to.

Anyway, we all know this.  The American MSM is purporting to the people that Pizzagate is "fake news," meanwhile, the "good guys" really DID prevail, busting open a massive, global child sex abuse and streaming, etc network and we hear nothing of it. We should be thankful to the men and women of Law Enforcement in Norway who INVESTIGATED without societal, professional bias.

Which leads us back to Trump.  If a politician backtracks on something like marijuana, which is at the crux of this conspiracy, then they are done.

I wanted to believe in Trump.  I can't lie. I can tell you, he was kicked out of my adopted father's golf club when I was a kid.  From what my dad told me, it was for betting on games, which wasn't allowed, but also for not then paying up when he lost.  My father and all his buddies hated him. This was like circa late 1980's.  So, with all of the bashing of him, I was going to say that in support of him (not for being a shyster, rather for the men who despised him).  But then, in mentally breaking down the sort of men who created this golf club, which I'd identify as men who made money circa the industrial boom on up, via entrepreneurship, etc., maybe old money, but definitely not WASP money.  From my perspective, they had their own clubs.  And definitely no Jews. No Jews!  Exactly.

I know.  We knew that.  I've written that (...both Trump and HRC are fronts for Israel).  My point is, which side he's on, who he is supporting, the zionists.  Trump is a Zionist.


 At Christmas, the old man retracted his statement from around 30 years ago and said, "Trump was suspended, never kicked out."

So there you have it.  The old man also said he does not think Trump will be so stupid as to follow netanyahu aka satanyaho down a further supportive path.  But I don't agree.  Hopefully I'm wrong. We will have to wait and see.  


  1. ive evolved from my former jewish bashing ways fyi
    people should grow. thats living
