Monday, June 20, 2016

Selma Blair: Victim of Sexual Abuse?

Actress Selma Blair was taken off of a plane today, via a stretcher. Witnesses to the event described Blair lost it, after she had mixed something into her glass of wine.  The disturbing part is, aside from her being with her four year old son at the time, is what she was witnessed as screaming.  "He burns my private parts." "He won't let me eat or drink." "He beats me and he's going to kill me." That, my friends, terrifies me.

A little background on Selma Blair.  She is the daughter of a Judge (her mother) and her father was an attorney active in the democratic party.  As a child, Selma was raised Jewish, having all of her schooling at the Hillel Day School in Farmington Hills, MI. Her Jewish name is Bat-Shiva.

This is Selma Blair several years ago. Round in the face, she looks slapped with makeup but healthy.  OK, none of the more recent pics I wanted to post will work.  Please look yourselves.

I will share my thoughts because reading celeb gossip has been my drug of choice since 2009, so I've been following her since the birth of her son, seeing the pics of her, the baby's father and the baby having brunch, to shortly afterwards, reading about how they were breaking up.  It was reported at the time that she had a zero balance on her credit card, and we, the world were in awe.

But here's what I noticed, then I'll get to the Hillel Schools.  #1, She clearly puts being a mom as THE most important job.  I can't say drinking booze with added pharms is a great choice, however, from my observations, solely via this contraption, she is ALWAYS with her son.  He is her #1 priority. #2, Her weight.  I've personally thought she'd looked malnutrition for years, even while still breastfeeding (I saw a pic of her breastfeeding her then 1+ yr old son).  Yet, I never saw anyone else say anything in comment sections, though they may have been moderated out,  who knows.  #3, In the pic I saw of her after she had her son, the one of her and her baby's father having brunch, her white roots were clearly visible (I notice these things as I am almost all white).  Soon after those pics, and the publication of her parting ways with the baby's father, I saw a pic of her walking with someone captioned as her mother and it always stuck with me for some reason.  The mother had dyed blondish hair.  Soon, Selma was seen with horrendous blond hair.  I know nothing of her career so I don't know if this was for a role, or to please.

Now, after reading this disturbing day's events, and doing a quick google search, I was shocked to find that Blair was raised Jewish, so much so, as attending a Jewish only, Hillel Day School.  I've heard horror stories about these schools, as with many other, whether religiously affiliated or not, it just seems Hillel schools keep out of the press with it.  No chit.  As far as other Jews are concerned, the problem of sexual abuse in Jewish schools are an epidemic.

I'd also like to touch base on the fact that to many, Hillel means or represents the angel who went against God, or  more commonly known as lucifer. Some dispute this, however, many like to dispute what is in the Talmud, etc. So, I'm concerned about what it is Ms. Blair screamed today, as often when a person is wound so tight, as she has looked the past few years, and has that wall temporarily taken down by such things as booze and pills, sometimes, the truth comes out. That would explain her constant need to be with her kid, survivors are like that.  People who haven't been literally screwed, are more naive and trusting.

Back to her mother.  WHY do I mentally record such odd things?  But even as recent as a few days ago, I still had that mental image of her with her mother pop into my mind.  Now to find out she's a judge!  All I can think of is Garden's of the Night (the film).  I'm not suggesting her mother is like the judge in the film, though I definitely do question most people who are judges, and such. What I am suggesting is that this poor mother, Selma Blair, has quite possibly been mentally suppressing possible childhood sexual abuse for a very long time, and now - she has snapped.

It would be nice if ALL OF US, could send her our prayers, good thoughts, positive energy, what have you, because if I am right, she will need them.

***I'd also like to note, and if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, which I have, that I don't believe in coincidence, but while writing this, and researching articles to link, somehow everyone's internet access stopped, though all units show that we are connected, like this lap top now, even though I cannot look up anything.  My kid just said, "Stop blogging what the jhews don't want you to.  I need to watch netflix." Madone.  LOL. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Kids Will Always Want to Know Their Roots

I have one more thing I'd like to say today.  This is something I can speak of, from first hand experience, and it doesn't pertain just to same sex couples, but to anyone raising a child not made from them, or grown within them.

I am an adoptee.  Within my life, like the saying goes, like a moth to a flame, I found myself surrounded by adoptees.  We would inherently flock to one another.  Fate, maybe, coincidence, definitely not.  Like I've said in other posts, energy is everything. 

What I want to talk about are all the children being born now, via surrogate, and sent to live with either same sex couples, or heterosexual couples.  I'm 40. In m generation it was mostly regular adopted kids I knew.  By "regular," I mean, usually we were children born of children who could not keep us. And I can assure you, no matter how much love or money we were given, just about all of the girls and some of the boys I knew, always wanted to find their birth mother's.  We all felt as if something was missing, a piece of us, unknown. Because it was. 

I found both of my birth parents after I turned 30.  When I found my birth father, I found out that he and his college girlfriend MADE a baby specifically for two of their professors that they loved and knew couldn't have children.  This is my younger sister.  She was loved, but never told that she was adopted.  She found out in her early teens, that she was made to be given away and she, like me, had a similar path from then on; had two kids of her own, succumbed to a drug addiction -though is sober and doing great now. 

My point is this, we are going to have an onslaught of children who are feeling lost, like they don't belong, like something is missing.  I know from finding my own parents, and also from watching my own children grow up that genetics are real.  All of these are such important factors in rearing kids.  It's a difficult journey just being a "regular" adopted kid being raised by heterosexual parents.  Add into that factor the idea the kids today are going to grow up knowing, i.e.: that some woman "cooked" them inside of her for money.  The thoughts of, were they loved while in that woman's womb, will be wondered.  Does she think about me, will be wondered.  And if these questions aren't pondered, I fear even more!

I don't think people have given much thought to their actions.  My generation, we were lucky to be born, considering Roe v Wade, selflessness by our birth mothers played far more of a role. Unlike now, where I definitely feel that selfishness has prevailed, and it's an absolute that the future generation will pay the price for it. 

There, I've said what I've wanted to. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Do You Walk With GOD?

This is from one of my favorite youtube channels.  I'm sharing it because I know, people for some reason proclaim one thing outward, yet seemingly forget that God knows their/our thoughts.  If those are not ital/pure, nor are we.  We can't hide from God.

I really think a lot of what will happen from Bilderberg '16 will be the eradicating of autonomy and anonymity on the web. We know that The TRUTH shall set you free. It will.  There is nothing more dangerous than that of the truth or someone who speaks the truth.  Like Mark Twain said, if you speak the truth, you don't have to remember anything.  Many bloggers and those with youtube channels, such as this lady, have been threatened because they have spoken the truth.  Do Not Fear.

Conniver's and shysters succeed, we all know that.  But they only succeed here.  Stand strong truth tellers and seekers.  For we all stand as one with God, and it will be ok.

Positive vibrations for today. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Here We GO! Legalized Beastiality is Offically Here

OK.  That hiatus lasted a whole four days.  Suffice to say, whenever I believe my husband is doing poorly, and tell him so (because I cannot keep my mouth shut), he recovers miraculously.  But I've digressed.

This morning while scanning the news during my daily dose of morning coffee, I came across this DISGUSTING gem. Here we go people.  It's on. Canada's Supreme Court has LEGALIZED some sexual acts with animals.  Basically, anything BUT actual penetration.  In this case, a stepfather had his 15 year old step daughter schmeer peanut butter, I presuming, on her privates and had the dog lick it off.  I am repulsed just writing that, yet some, such as those sitting judges, seemingly aren't. Insanity?  Yes.  I've long questioned judges mentality in the United States, the ones who deemed it morally, legally acceptable to put child rapists on a flipping list, as they lived AMONGST US, meanwhile sending teenagers into adult prisons for YEARS for a blunt of herb.  But this takes the cake.  THERE IS NO DOUBT, LUCIFERIANS RUN THE SHOW HERE. Absolutely zero doubt.

To say that we are done would be putting it mildly.  Remember that memo from a Senator making the rounds a few years ago, in regards to what else was in the pipeline for our "acceptance" - pedophilia, beastiality, what then, child snuff films? I simply just do not know.

This is outrageous. It's morally unacceptable. I can assure you, everyone I know, who are the "mainstream" those who follow suit with whatever the libtards in Hollywood promote will be right on board with this.  Guaranteed. Those Kartrashian watchers, those who give two chit's about what people like Lady gagme have to say.  They will follow suit and be all like, "the animals like it," "they licked off the peanut butter," etc.  FLIPPING MORONS, THE WHOLE LOT.

It's obvious we lost the plot ages ago.  Children have never been a protected group, just verbal meme propaganda.  Animals, who in my state, harbor more legal rights than that of children, are now being promoted for sex!  Good GOD I sincerely pray this is all hype to keep everyone from looking UP, because I for one will not shed one tear if Niburu hits, even if it lands on my own face.

This world is an outrage.

May God bless all of you. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Come Si Dice ...... Forget Your Troubles and Dance?

Not sure what else there is to say that I haven't already said.  In my own life, I have a husband who has ALS, and I don't think he is doing as well as he had been the past few years since his diagnosis.  Money sucks, but doesn't it always? Worrying about what would happen, a life without him is something I've in all sincerity, never been able to do. 
Society, well - is it not obvious how I feel about that? For now, there is nothing left to do but to step away from "the interweb," the onslaught of "news."  I can only focus on what I can do, what I can fix, which although may be ME (there's that ego), it really must begin, right now, with what I can do, in the here and now.  I've said I must find peace, I must focus on the positive (both true), and dealing with the grand scheme of things, toppled with this bit of personal info I've just shared, well, it's just too much (I've been mentally hanging on to an article I read a few weeks ago claiming that men who have wives who nag -live longer.  I'll let you know how that goes). 

So, the hiatus was and is real.  I'm leaving you all with this, as Bob Marley sang, forget your troubles and dance.  Heed the call and feel the groove.

There's no need to sweat it, right? It's coming, possibly here (the new Free world, the new Graceful dawn, the new tranquillo day, l' era di PACE -Godwilling).

Until next time,

Peace be Upon ALL of You & GOD Bless. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Epstein is Not the Only One

This case practically mirrors what happened to my child and myself.  My child's credibility wasn't attacked, everyone believed her, I was attacked.  They said I didn't like the jeffrey epstein-esque character, and I had it out for him. Come on.  Maybe if he didn't pay to protect my child's rapist, I wouldn't have had it out for him.  Maybe if he didn't himself have 3 counts of corruption of minor charges for furnishing alcohol to minors, I wouldn't have been so opposed to him  being around my then six year old!  But this is the name of the game, blame the person who sees through the lies.  Blame the person bringing up the truth, and above all SLAM any parent who will not sell their own child out.

Child sex is THE most profitable business in the world.  There are COUNTLESS Epstein's all over the United States, and across the globe today, right now, and they all avoid prosecution because why?  Who do you think is procuring these kids? The Elite.  The global elite, state and county elite.  End of.