Friday, June 10, 2016

Here We GO! Legalized Beastiality is Offically Here

OK.  That hiatus lasted a whole four days.  Suffice to say, whenever I believe my husband is doing poorly, and tell him so (because I cannot keep my mouth shut), he recovers miraculously.  But I've digressed.

This morning while scanning the news during my daily dose of morning coffee, I came across this DISGUSTING gem. Here we go people.  It's on. Canada's Supreme Court has LEGALIZED some sexual acts with animals.  Basically, anything BUT actual penetration.  In this case, a stepfather had his 15 year old step daughter schmeer peanut butter, I presuming, on her privates and had the dog lick it off.  I am repulsed just writing that, yet some, such as those sitting judges, seemingly aren't. Insanity?  Yes.  I've long questioned judges mentality in the United States, the ones who deemed it morally, legally acceptable to put child rapists on a flipping list, as they lived AMONGST US, meanwhile sending teenagers into adult prisons for YEARS for a blunt of herb.  But this takes the cake.  THERE IS NO DOUBT, LUCIFERIANS RUN THE SHOW HERE. Absolutely zero doubt.

To say that we are done would be putting it mildly.  Remember that memo from a Senator making the rounds a few years ago, in regards to what else was in the pipeline for our "acceptance" - pedophilia, beastiality, what then, child snuff films? I simply just do not know.

This is outrageous. It's morally unacceptable. I can assure you, everyone I know, who are the "mainstream" those who follow suit with whatever the libtards in Hollywood promote will be right on board with this.  Guaranteed. Those Kartrashian watchers, those who give two chit's about what people like Lady gagme have to say.  They will follow suit and be all like, "the animals like it," "they licked off the peanut butter," etc.  FLIPPING MORONS, THE WHOLE LOT.

It's obvious we lost the plot ages ago.  Children have never been a protected group, just verbal meme propaganda.  Animals, who in my state, harbor more legal rights than that of children, are now being promoted for sex!  Good GOD I sincerely pray this is all hype to keep everyone from looking UP, because I for one will not shed one tear if Niburu hits, even if it lands on my own face.

This world is an outrage.

May God bless all of you. 

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