Monday, February 27, 2017

The Mandela Effect

Greetings everyone!

This has been bothering me for some time now, The Mandela Effect.  I was reading jim stone yesterday, and he's gone off about it for years now, and I've mentally disputed all of the things he felt have been changed.  However, yesterday I started thinking to myself; I'm an actual being filled with, what I am told continuously by people, "useless information," that I've been stockpiling in my brain since my inception, and I do not remember EVER hearing about Nelson Mandela dying in prison.  What I DO remember is Peter Gabriel's song, BIKO about the late, freedom fighter, Steve Biko which came out mid 1980's.  NOW, I have a child named Biko, after Steve Biko (God rest his soul), THEREFORE I CAN PROMISE YOU, FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE THAT THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, BLACK, WHITE, BROWN, RED, DEMOCRAP, REPUBLICAN, NOTHING -HAVE NEVER HEARD OF STEVEN BIKO.  Not only that, but they don't even remember the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll tell you what else I REMEMBER, nelson mandela coming to the UN in Manhattan around 1989 because I WENT.  It reignited the love of Africa in the "mainstream" hip-hop/rap community.  Remember the Africa medallions?  Or was that only a NYC thing.

I'm going to say it again; I really believe that most people confused hearing about Steve Biko being murdered in prison, when peter gabriel's song came out and instead related it to Nelson Mandela, being as HE WAS THE ONLY SIGNIFICANT BLACK AFRICAN the majority know- still!

Ok I can breathe now.  That really riled me up.

Friday, February 24, 2017

And Nobody Thinks This is Weird

Guys, I don't know about you, but unfortunately for years, I've known about pedophiles, satanism, etc.  I've been around pedophile men most of my life, with some complacent females in there too.  Including my own adopted mom. My mom, a devout Catholic, was big on the NY Catholic underground scene of the 70's and 80's.  And by underground, I mean, these people were passing around human relics, having weird masses in random house's, passing books and music that they were producing, hosting visiting healers, etc..  My mom was in.  But she never pushed it on me.  Not to digress, but she always told me to find my own way, and even bought me books of Voodoo (thinking that I'd relate.  I'm not sure why Rasta terrified her, and other people so - yet voodoo was "cool," LOL).

One book she gave me, which has recently been on the forefront of my brain, was a nonfiction book a woman wrote, about her daughter and granddaughter (looking back, I'm SURE this book was printed by one of these what I am calling "underground Catholic" printing/or private printing houses.  I say this because when I was 14, some priest supposedly wrote a book about me.  He spelt my name wrong, but it was Nora the Lonely Falcon*, LOL.. we were sent a copy for my boarding school, so I saw it, had it, read it, but I cannot find it now and it was probably printed the same way).  BACK TO THE BOOK: Her daughter was a drug addict in the 70's or early 80's and had a child, a daughter.  The mother raised the child from infancy because her daughter chose drugging over mothering.  Both were happy with this set up.  Then the daughter hooks up with and marries some richie from Greenwich (ct).  The mom writes that her daughter at this point, was doing coke, and running on a treadmill.  That was her life.  But she and her new husband suddenly wanted the kid.  Turns out, the guy was from a satanic cult in greenwich and do I really have to state why the sudden interest in the little girl.  Sounds crazy?  Lord knows when my mom gave it to me, I probably told her it was bullshit and SHE was crazy (little doubt, I absolutely said that).  In hindsight, it was most likely true.  And, knowing what I know, how could I even deny it? 

That bring us to something else which has been coming to the forefront of my brain (and I've been around long enough to know, there's always a reason why my brain shuffles stuff out from the filing cabinet brain of mine, without even my consent, to the forefront of my mind).


Julie Lemigova is Martina Navratilova's wife.  In 2000 Lemigova gave birth the a baby boy named, Maximillion.  The father was french banking multi-millionaire Edouard Stern.

Maximillion, while in his father's care, died at the age of five and a half months old.  The child's autopsy found he had antianxiety drugs in his system, and he died of a brain injury.   Everything about his death is suspicious.  Edouard had been disputing paternity just before the child's death.  The father's nanny also disappeared immediately after the child's death.  AND to make things even more sketch, in trying to find articles about the child's death, there is really nothing (google yourself if you can because I had read that the nanny had told people she feared for the baby's life).  Best link below.

I know when I read about this, I had also heard rumors that the child's death was part of a satanic ritual.

Cut to 2005, Edouard Stern is found dead, in a pink rubber body suit, supposedly so tight he looked like a mannequin.  The press said it was an "s & m game gone wrong."  His mistress is convicted of shooting him to death.  She wanted him dead for some reason.  Links below

I really do wish and pray that Julie Lemigova has found love and peace within and is happy now with Martina Navratilova.  I cannot, nor would want to imagine what she went through, felt, feels, etc..

Evil exists people.  It emanates from the mind, then from there, it spreads into action.  You know how you get away from it, you dismiss the evil thought while in the mind/brain.  Blow it away!

Anyway, some things we can agree on; the baby was murdered, the mom is a saint for not murdering, on a terroristic scale and dad, who was wealthy beyond even the normal average wealthy range, was murdered in what seemingly looked like a revenge type death.  And now no one wants to talk, to, "preserve the dad's memory" for the three surviving kids that he had before Maximillion. alright then.

Try to love.  yourself, others, the world.

peace to you all.

*nora tellicat - an anagram ;)

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I am in Total Shock

I know baby, toddler snuff films are real (though have not watched, reading was enough!).  I've seen the pictures of bombed children in Syria, Palestine, etc.  Pictures of dogs with their noses cut off, Jesus Christ, all things which I half wish, never saw or knew about.  So it takes A LOT to shock me.  AND RIGHT NOW, I AM SHOCKED.

I read several sites every day.  It's a small list, but among them is henrymakow.  Well today, he had another article about pedophelia amongst the elite, all of which I know all too much about, lived through it, etc. so I know it's all true.  I was honestly, not reading the article (figured I'd go back later), though was skimming down to see the side links, when I saw THIS -


Jesus f'ing Christ!  I have never, ever liked the Beatles.  I'm 41 years old, and I never liked them.  When mocked as a kid, because they were "so cool," I'd retort, if forced to make a choice, had I lived back then, I'd sooner choose the rolling stones than the beatles, and I don't really like their music at all either! I'm much more then and now; Motown, reggae, jazz, classical, international, than the beatles or the stones (i.e.: mainstream).

That brings us to what I need to say.  I cannot believe that these people, the liberal democraps, my age and above, who are STILL walking around with their "beatles," tee shirts on, acting as if they are the "saviours," of the people - BECAUSE THEY'RE THE ENLIGHTENED ONES.  Ohh.  I really get it.

Everyone knows about the Tavistock Institute, if not, research yourself, because it's a rabbit hole you must explore on your own.  Mind control, etc., which -  you most likely fell for.

I would have never been able to dismiss such imagery.  Not as a child, nor as an adult.

Personally, in hindsight, it always humors me that all of my favorite songs and singers as a child were reggae songs and artists.  That- the lyrics, the beat and rhythm were what I could relate to the most.  And what humors me are the lyrics of many of the songs; singing of man's plight, were all songs, basically against these satanists that run the show.

Anyway, if you are still listening to the gaddamn beatles, I suggest you start to read.  Read up on things which will offend you.  It will offend, because you have been misled, deceived, lied to and nothing that you believe is as it seems.  The knowledge is there, and there is NO SHAME, nor embarrassment for falling for it, and for so long.  Only in remaining intellectually HERE, where you are now (unwise to what's real in this world).  So GET CRACKING.

Friday, February 17, 2017

They're Re-Making Scarface

So hollyweird is remaking Scarface.  Scarface is my favorite film of all time.  I've yet to tire of watching it.

NOW, listen or watch this scene 

Riddle me how they're going to remake that, LOL.  AND THAT'S ONLY SCENE 1!!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Proof of Judges Committing Treason

I just thought of something.  My mind was wandering, thinking about why has domestic relations not placed a lien on my kid's rapist/father for back child support.  She receives nothing.

To recap: my kid was involved in a pizzagate-esq situation here, in Lancaster County, PA, with the county and state's very own jeffery epstein pulling the strings behind it.  I don't want to go into too much about the sexual part, what I do want to get into is the money part.

My kid has been safe for many years now.  I am thankful. But "they" kept coming for me afterwards, hitting us in the pocketbook as much as possible.  This jeffery epstein type character was even the power of attorney for my kid's rapist/father.

To the point, here are some background facts all of which are true and can be proven in court
  1. rapist/father IS (or was) married.  He married a woman to give her a green card.  He married during the period that he had access to our kid.  The kid never met her.  He never mentioned her, but legally, he married her during this period.  
  2. Lancaster County Domestic Relations took just over $4,000.00 from my child's child support between May 2014- that fall of 2014.  Their reasoning, "The IRS took the money from me because I had received money from a refund which the rapist/father was not entitled to."  Hired an attorney and got this in writing.  NOT FROM THE IRS, from Lanc DR office.
  3. After the house the rapist/father and I owned was sold, he owed just over $15,000.00 in back child support (June 2015) which I was supposed to get back at the closing.  The check was shown to me, with a photocopy given, yet only $8,000.00 was given to us by Lancaster Domestic Relations.  Lancaster Domestic Relations said the IRS took the money, again, because once again, many years earlier, we were given "money from a refund which he wasn't entitled to." They ignored requests to get that in writing. THUS, Lancaster Domestic Relations Office took within 13 months, $12,000.00 from my kid.  THAT'S DOUBLE WHAT SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO RECEIVE!!!!!
  5. If the rapist/father/person PAYING the child support is married, and they file jointly, which I'd imagine they'd have to because Immigration isn' Lancaster County, I bet it was HER money which came our way.  Maybe she made a stink.  I know she was a professional.  I think she works on corpses for a township or something. 
SO, obviously I told my lawyer for the house issue and he initially said it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for them to find a judge to sign off of taking those arrears (from the sale of the house).  When it went through, and Lanc DRO gave me the same song and dance routine about it being for the IRS, my lawyer simply said, "well, I cannot help you.  This clearly goes way higher than I."  Which, of course I have in writing. 

Now to TREASON.  During depositions, the rapist/father denied even being married.  When we finally went to court, that was the first question asked by my lawyer (whom I never trusted, but was in too deep with) and he said yes he was married. 

Doesn't matter.  What does matter is this; we have judges who are KNOWINGLY, SIGNING OFF ON MARRIAGES FOR PEOPLE TO ATTAIN GREEN CARDS.  THAT, is treason.  To then financially rape a child of money that is LEGALLY AND RIGHTFULLY THEIRS, is only icing on the cake.  Nevertheless, they definitely took the money to cover up their involvement, or to appease someone they took money from as their deal went "bad," once a lien affected that person. 

I would imagine this would be an easy thing to figure out.  Look into the judges who signed off on their marriage license, look for the judge that signed off both times for the taking of my kid's money, etc.  

It's funny.  I was listening to a podcast last night, where the topic was epstein.  The similarities to our case are uncanny.  Same bullchit. Anyway, this isn't even about my speculations that the judges are pizzagate-esq because they legally protected flaygrant pedophles, because that's all speculation. but THIS, HERE< WE CAN FOLLOW THE MONEY.  


of course, as was mentioned in the above said podcast from last night, finding a lawyer willing to put their necks out, even worse than a needle in a haystack.  Especially in this town, and state.

***I DO NOT WANT TO DIE, SO IF I DO............... cln

**** Taken from Nora Tellicat's, I Am Definitely Right on This, as it pertains to this money being taken and other oddities

 *** PPS, AND the mortgage for my house wasn't paid FOR OVER TWO MONTHS after closing!!!!  That guy (whose name escapes me, though it is in my emails -IF anyone cares, though it is quite un likely)  lawyer Jeffrey Mohler, HE TOO should be investigated.  Ask yourself, WHY would he risk HIS life, and business by NOT paying off the mortgage for my house, 18 quarry dr, millersville, pa FOR TWO MONTHS? thankfully citimortgage sent me letters, which is how I found out and they said it was "exceptionally unusual."
And remember who was POA for the other person on my deed, right.  He was treated like a king that day, meanwhile, I was shoved in a closet!  True story.  I went to one of the detectives who worked our cases, and he looked into the domestic relations database and saw there was NO record of them TAKING BACK any of that $15g+ (they took back over $7g).  I tried to hire a lawyer, outside of the county as had been reiterated to us FOR YEARS by local LE, however, even HE laughed me out of the office.  Leaving me with the feeling that HE felt, if the "brotherhood" was doing this, I must have done something deserving of such treatment.  That something- I fought for my kid, and I am the chit head?  I think not. 

Again, what is it that I want - JUSTICE, and maybe A flipping PUBLIC apology from the county for what they've done to us. My kid, she wants MONEY.... she wants them all to literally, pay for what they have done.  But most of all, what I want are;


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I Need to Share This

Guys, I know I've posted this before, (and already taken down), however, I am finding I cannot stop listening to it (M83 - the suburra soundtrack).  I've been addicted to it since christmas.  It feels apt for the times, whether from above, with God, or space, with the crazy, global weather, or for dealings with the family, emotions of the nation, the rest of the world.  It, the music, feels so apt for right now.  So much so that it hits me in my chest every time I hear it.  It makes me feel, on my face, and in my head, like that crisp, splashy feeling you have when you are coming off of an amazing acid trip.  I feel that, without the lsd!  This soundtrack makes me feel like I am flying through space, as a bright piece of glowing energy.  I will literally feel a pull from space, on my chest lifting me back towards space.  Honestly, I even find myself spinning, without getting dizzy (at my age!), and it's almost as if my body has totally let go, but my mind is like, whoa! I'm not on drugs.   It's the music.  And though I love all of M83's music, I love this playlist.  It's a rollercoaster of emotions.  My son calls the first song the "sad song" lol (song 2 we spin, song 3 we DANCE).

I have caught glimpses of the videos though never watched in full and I just find it funny that it seems there is a lot of space, an asteroid hitting in slow mo imagery. I hope if any of you give it a listen that you feel from it like I do.  It'll be a great trip.  Like flying through space.  :)

Anyway guys, life is eternal. I "get" it.  I understand the freedom that faith in God gives you.  "Be NOT afraid, I go before you always, COME FOLLOW ME, and I will give you strength."  Michelle Knight, one of the girls held by ariel castro in Ohio for I think a decade, wrote in her book, how even in her darkest days, she found her strength in GOD.  The girl was beaten, raped, spit on, ejaculated on, and left like that, unwashed for years, while tied naked to a pole.  And she held on because of her faith in GOD.

We'll all be ok.  If something hits us, and devastation occurs, we will be ok, those here, on the otherside. Right?  We have to believe that.