Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I Need to Share This

Guys, I know I've posted this before, (and already taken down), however, I am finding I cannot stop listening to it (M83 - the suburra soundtrack).  I've been addicted to it since christmas.  It feels apt for the times, whether from above, with God, or space, with the crazy, global weather, or for dealings with the family, emotions of the nation, the rest of the world.  It, the music, feels so apt for right now.  So much so that it hits me in my chest every time I hear it.  It makes me feel, on my face, and in my head, like that crisp, splashy feeling you have when you are coming off of an amazing acid trip.  I feel that, without the lsd!  This soundtrack makes me feel like I am flying through space, as a bright piece of glowing energy.  I will literally feel a pull from space, on my chest lifting me back towards space.  Honestly, I even find myself spinning, without getting dizzy (at my age!), and it's almost as if my body has totally let go, but my mind is like, whoa! I'm not on drugs.   It's the music.  And though I love all of M83's music, I love this playlist.  It's a rollercoaster of emotions.  My son calls the first song the "sad song" lol (song 2 we spin, song 3 we DANCE).

I have caught glimpses of the videos though never watched in full and I just find it funny that it seems there is a lot of space, an asteroid hitting in slow mo imagery. I hope if any of you give it a listen that you feel from it like I do.  It'll be a great trip.  Like flying through space.  :)

Anyway guys, life is eternal. I "get" it.  I understand the freedom that faith in God gives you.  "Be NOT afraid, I go before you always, COME FOLLOW ME, and I will give you strength."  Michelle Knight, one of the girls held by ariel castro in Ohio for I think a decade, wrote in her book, how even in her darkest days, she found her strength in GOD.  The girl was beaten, raped, spit on, ejaculated on, and left like that, unwashed for years, while tied naked to a pole.  And she held on because of her faith in GOD.

We'll all be ok.  If something hits us, and devastation occurs, we will be ok, those here, on the otherside. Right?  We have to believe that.  

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