Sunday, April 30, 2017

Harlots, Freemasonry and Lancaster County, PA

I haven't been watching much of anything aside from youtube the past few months.  However, early, this past Saturday morning, specifically, 1:30 am, I decided to see what sort of mind fluff there was on Hulu.  WELL, I came across a show called Harlots.  I ended up binge watching all five posted episodes, successfully ruining my later, Saturday day - but it was sure worth it.

Here's what I came away with, thought and felt while watching - MY GOD! This was exactly like Lancaster County, PA today.  It's the prevalent culture which I lament on constantly.  Nothing has changed.  Nothing at all.  And yes, I boil it all down to the prevalence of Freemasonry within the controlling Establishment.   I really cannot say if this culture is in middle america, however I can and will put it this way; in July of 2010, just after my daughter came forth with what she was being subjected to, my birth mother, whom I had an ongoing relationship with then, felt that everything which I was telling her, about our being bamboozled in the county court, etc. was finding such corruption hard to believe.  And as such, she ended up coming to a child support hearing.  Here's what happened that day, and my "mother" at that time, a successful vp of accounting for a international company based in Dallas, TX, was having some sort of a relationship with the then mayor of Dallas, and this is important as he said something Very telling after she told him what she witnessed.  Here's what happened.  We went to court in front of a Judge Reich.  The rapist gave multiple reasons of why he wasn't paying his support, nor showing up to his previous contempt hearings***, changing his story within his first sentence when talking to the judge.  It is humorous now, but when I was living through this it nearly killed me. Second, our house was supposed to go before the judge (I, well, my father, put the rapist on the deed, after I put down $110g for the house....BIG mistake, but I've digressed). The rapist began bragging to Reich about how the head of judges for lancaster county at that time, Madenspacher (sp?) was planning on coming in off of his vacation to preside over our house hearing.  To which Reich said, "he doesn't hear those cases and second, he would never come in off of his vacation to do so!"  However, I had to pipe in because I had the emails to prove this to be true.  And shady as all hell!  Suffice to say, my mother, after the hearing relayed it all to the mayor of Dallas, and he said, "Who do you think would go to law school, and then go to practice in Lancaster, PA?"  ONLY people who were from there."  Touche' and well said, even if it took me years longer to really get it.   That is why this culture, the very same one which is shown in the show Harlots, exists TODAY in LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. Like I said, I cannot attest to how middle america is, however, from all the other places I have even lived, Harrison, NY, Greenwich, CT, Manchester Center and Londonderry, VT, San Francisco, CA, MA...... I have ABSOLUTELY never experienced the same sort of corruption as I have here.  And I boil it ALL down to the Freemasons who have been, and remain the controllers of this county.

Now on to my next issue; the jack the ripper case.  This morning, there was an excellent article over at Henry Makow in regards to a book which has come out, proclaiming the jack the ripper murders to be the result of freemasons, basically hunting humans.  You know what?  It is THE best and most logical explanation yet.  

These people are some sick individuals.  They think NOTHING of the rest of us, and sometimes, nothing of each other.  I am sure, their kids are just as likely to be used for sex as ours.  Look at Maddie McCann!  (and if you don't know what I am talking about, look into the police interviews with the couples the parents were with that night.  One man in particular admitted to making sexual comments about Maddie.  SHE WAS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, to me, that is more than a red flag.  But Freemasons, investigating Freemasons, they may be able to sex each others kids, BUT NOT RAT ON ANOTHER "BROTHER.")

I'd like to also acknowledge that Madenspacher did end up making the proper call on that house hearing, letting the Appeals court (my lawyer said it was Ann Lazarus specifically) rob it from me.  I will die believing that he did it because he knew, that I KNEW.  he made some stupid joke, while I was in the witness stand, and everyone did a kiss ass laugh, EXCEPT FOR ME.  I, made a point to look him dead in the eyes, without a smile, to let him know, this wasn't a joke, that I wasn't a joke, and that I knew what was up.  I watched the smile fade from his face, with our direct eye contact.  He understood ("The eyes, Chico, they never lie," tony montana).  And actually, after that hearing, on April 1, 2013****, I went to the citizens bank atm nearest the courthouse, and that jeffrey epstein character came running up and looked at me through the glass.  I've always guessed it was because, maybe he was in the judge's chambers, and madenspacher told him he wasn't going forth with their deal, of taking my house from me.  I'd like to say, "non lo so," however, it is only basic logic.


Another article about how deep these masonic pedophiles run, and how they cover for themselves, they're here in USA too.  Don't kid yourself.

And, check out the show Harlots.  If you can.

*** I went to every contempt hearing, he never showed except for this one.  And, he never had a warrant issued for missing court!  When  I mentioned this to the female DA, when they brought me downtown in the Fall of 2011 to tell me, "they were dropping all of the criminal charges for raping my daughter, because he passed a lie detector," the female DA (NOT rebecca franz, she was working the case, BUT another; a heavy-set female, with dyed blond hair DA was brought in to drop these bombs on me) and she said, "Not everyone get's warrants issued for them."  Ok.  I see ;)

**** the house hearing, which HAD been scheduled for sometime in Aug, 2010, was postponed because the rapist WAS charged criminally, initially for what he did to my daughter.  And those charges were in violation for his parole, which he was out on from the state of NV.  Nevada ended up holding him, until the DA here, dropped the charges in the fall of 2011.  And as such, the hearing took then another year + to reschedule.  In case anyone gave a chit, LOL (LOLOLOLOOLOLOLO, no one does :))


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