Saturday, April 22, 2017

Let's Clear Some Things Up (updated, at the bottom)

Ok.  So, people think I am a liar.  I can understand, only because, as I walk around, and talk to people in my neighborhood, they only get snippets.  And sometimes, those snippets cannot make sense.  Well, I am going to clear this up right now.

Yes, I was molested by my adopted father as a child.  My documented, wetting the bed at nine, seemingly, out of nowhere, forced my mother to get me a psychiatrist.  He, she, and everyone afterwards, except the headmaster's wife at the Amity School (marci padgett) knew it to be true, AND KNEW IT BEFORE I EVEN DID!  I would only admit that he treated me like his wife, not my mother (this would come out in family sessions).  I also took advantage of that fact, knowing I could get whatever I wanted out of him.  BUT I WAS a child! 9, 10, 11, AND 12 years old.  Marci, who was leading the rap session I was in when I remembered, clear as day, at least one solid incident, told me, "to never talk about it again."  FUNNY, because this was the school which seemed to force coerced confessions out of girls, and boys that didn't seem to really have any situations to come clean on (listen, when you're locked in a room with someone yelling at you for hours, sometimes days, without food, or sleep, eventually you will tell them and or "cop" to whatever it is that they want you to.  I know, I did, saying I was a "druggie" when I wasn't, yet)!

Yes, all of my kids know this, and yes, my daughter IS up in NY working in my father's store.  I cannot control what it is she does.  I protected her as a child, but she is an adult now.  My father IS in love with her.  IT is so known, the other workers in the store "joke" about how he's her boyfriend.  Do I think he has physically touched her? No, although he came damn near close to frenching her in the foyer of my old house, with myself, and two other kids standing right next to her! summer of 2012.  Everyone knows he is Obsessed with her.  And yes, both the husband and I are upset that she is living up there, because it's just not the situation to be in.

The next thing, when people have asked me why I haven't had a lawyer fight for me (with what happened to my daughter here in lancaster county, pa), I always tell them A) in this town, and or state, finding one who isn't apart of the "brotherhood," somehow, and or who isn't afraid of them is virtually impossible.  And B) I had found one, Angela Clemente.  I came across her in a newspaper article, many years ago (maybe 2009, or 10 idk, I could check my emails if anyone is really hardpressed for the info, to prove my truth).   I had read that not only had she successfully sued the government (which is really what it is that I need and needed to have done), but it was in connection to the Colombo crime family.  Well, the man that I grew up calling "Uncle John," and his father, "Papa Tony," (they were the bosses of my dad in the NYC liquor industry for decades) were the grandson and son of the former Colombo crime family boss Joseph Magliocco.  So, being as I realized that, I emailed her, let her know that connection, then shared what was going on with us.  She was in, however, then the Jahi McMath story broke and she put all of energy into that. At least in the beginning, and certainly, I understood.

I should also note, that I have countless family members in the NYC area, practicing law, and none of them would help.  One cousin told me, "once children and youth back you, it's a done deal."  And when that didn't happen for us, he was like, "can't help ya," like most everyone else (my one friend that I mentioned in a separate post, who was high up in the computers/silicon val/govt etc, he helped, and an old friend from Amity, heather c. she helped also, both as much as they could. I don't want to minimize, as I am forever thankful to them both).

Now onto the last thing.  I was perplexed as to why, even in comment sections on blogs, whenever I would share our story (of what happened here, to my daughter in Lancaster County, PA - you'll have to read through this blog and my other for that 411), usually in regards to people blasting local pd, or children and youth, I'd state that we had two + police depts backing us, the county's children and youth, the county's children alliance ALL BACKING US, just not the DA (who tossed the criminal case citing that he "passed a lie detector" how I wish I had a lawyer with me for that meeting, looking back) and THE FAMILY COURT JUDGE, I will literally not get a response, not even a thanks for sharing.  I'll note that others who share will get heaps (of responses).  Which had made me wonder, in hindsight, and in conjunction with what happened with the pizzagate/pedogate ish aka swept under the rug, that maybe they were some sort of false sites, IDK, to monitor, and or maximize the false stories(? I just don't know).  But what I had just thought of, is that everyone always slams the children and youth, BUT THEY FORGET THAT A JUDGE and a LAWYER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH, are the ones who truly pull the strings.

The family court judge in our case PREVIOUSLY was the lawyer for the county's children and youth. HMMM.  And that guy is Shady as hell.  A spawn of (hell) too if you ask me. He and his wife ALSO received the Angels of Adoption award too,(which I found out BEFORE the whole sandusky ish, which, BTW is absolutely connected to our case, the pimping of the kids, it's the same network, no doubt about it).  Sandusky and his wife, Dottie were also awarded the Angels of Adoption award.  NICE. I hope all of those people awarding filthy scum such as these are holding their heads in shame, though I doubt it.  My mother hooked up at the very least four families that I know of, with at least two children per family from The Edna Gladney Foundation, where they adopted me from, but she was never awarded an Angels of Adoption award. AND, she helped start the Nazareth Home for unwed mothers in Garrison, NY in the late 70's, or early 80's (and those women I'm 98% sure had to give their babies up for adoption, which I don't support, however she should have been awarded, no?).  Makes you go, HMMMMM. (not that she, my mother, was a saint in regards to what happened to me, but she did get me out of that house, even it was onto the street, after boarding was out of the house.  And she did send me to Italy for boarding school- Amity).

ANYWAY - please keep all of this in mind.  I wrote this because I am just tired of people calling me a liar, or crazy.  Yeah, this is ALL crazy, but I am not.  I promise you that.  And a liar?  Maybe before I got sober back in 1999.  However from the millennium on, even my kid's father, who I met in 2000 in VT (the rapist) used to call me, Althea - "honest to the point of recklessness," like the grateful dead song.

Getting honest, and keeping my house clean the two things I needed to maintain once I got sober.  You kind of can't (get truly sober) without it/them.

Have a good night.

**and for the UMPTEENTH time, I fought SO hard for my kid, because all mother's should, AND because, I didn't want her to turn out like me, for my first 24 years of living here on earth - filled with self hate, zero self esteem, respect, etc.  Getting out of that, learning to forgive myself after I did eventually turn to drugs, which was a hell all of its own - the living on the streets of the san fran Mission PRE regentrification, getting sober, alone, with kids, no friends, family, it was hell.  It would have been much easier to have remained drugged out, and or dead (and jeez, with how much my older two prefer their dad, who chose staying drugged out for their whole childhood, maybe I should've, Christ!).  Anyway, I didn't want that for her.

I know this was rambled, but I also know, the women I have befriended here, are just looking for ways to say, "Oh, I knew it, you're a liar!" At least that's what I think and feel, and who can blame them?  I also know they LOVE google, and it's FAR easier for me to say and get this all out here, rather then in person.  Ok.  I'm done. For now. ;)


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