Well, now that everyone knows, that I am a proponent of what is historically and currently, PUBLIC ENEMY #1 the big, bad, boogie man of Marijuana aka THE HOLY HERB, let's come in peace- por favor.
And to my "angels," you know who you are, please, PLEASE, send extra good energy waves my way, to protect us from anyone attacking us/me, for what I have said here, in regards to The Establishment and how I refute any, all and everything which they say and stand for (i.e.: as I am pro herb/marijuana - across the board- medicinal, recreational, industrial, that I am anti-vaxx, and PRO putting pedophiles and their protectors IN PRISON, where they belong). THERE IS NO GREATER CRIME THAN AN ADULT DEFILING A CHILD, aside from another adult covering it up and or looking away.
I'll leave you all with the words and music of 10000 Maniacs (not sure, why other than it just feels right). Opening your eyes, will only bring the LIGHT OF CHRIST to you. And by CHRIST, I mean, something beyond Jesus.....going back to the beginning of everything. To the understanding that it (life) is bigger, and larger than us, this life, galaxy.
With the LOVE OF CHRIST and ALL that IS HOLY,
"These Are Days"
And to my "angels," you know who you are, please, PLEASE, send extra good energy waves my way, to protect us from anyone attacking us/me, for what I have said here, in regards to The Establishment and how I refute any, all and everything which they say and stand for (i.e.: as I am pro herb/marijuana - across the board- medicinal, recreational, industrial, that I am anti-vaxx, and PRO putting pedophiles and their protectors IN PRISON, where they belong). THERE IS NO GREATER CRIME THAN AN ADULT DEFILING A CHILD, aside from another adult covering it up and or looking away.
I'll leave you all with the words and music of 10000 Maniacs (not sure, why other than it just feels right). Opening your eyes, will only bring the LIGHT OF CHRIST to you. And by CHRIST, I mean, something beyond Jesus.....going back to the beginning of everything. To the understanding that it (life) is bigger, and larger than us, this life, galaxy.
With the LOVE OF CHRIST and ALL that IS HOLY,
"These Are Days"
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