I panicked and took this down for a second, ONLY BECAUSE, I know for a fact, certain people who were reading this blog yesterday, are definite associates if not actual friends with the family court judge on my case, David Workman. HOWEVER, HE should be ashamed, and scared, NOT ME.
The very last time I saw him, Workman, in court, was in may or june, 2010, because I had taken my child's rapist/father to court for contempt, as he took her out of state, to DE, without my consent, AND WITH this jeffrey epstein character who had, at that time, a "no contact" clause written into our custody agreement as he had, 3 COUNTS OF CORRUPTION OF MINOR CHARGES that he had been found guilty of (which are now wiped clean, thanks ARD). AHHH, my kid, at this time, was 9!!!!!!!!!
What should have been a slam dunk for my attorney, WASN'T. Workman, said, and I quote, VERBATIM, "I don't see what the big deal is." He even then allowed the rapist to YELL from the back of the courtroom, yet I was never even allowed to speak. HE ALSO NEVER EVEN CAME BACK WITH A VERDICT. Getting into court took 2 weeks, and as such, this hearing fell on the Friday that the rapist then had a scheduled visit. MY DAUGHTER WAS THEN FORCED TO GO ON ANOTHER VISIT WITH THIS MAN, AND IT WAS THEN THE FOLLOWING SUNDAY, AFTER I PICKED HER UP THAT SHE FELL APART AND CAME FORTH WITH EVERYTHING (she said, she finally came forth as the school had the week prior, shown a video about good touch bad touch and it was the mother's reaction within the video that made her come forth. She had been in therapy since the first incident when she was 5, yet would not say a word. LE, therapists, everyone had been waiting for this breakthrough -ALL OF THIS IS DOCUMENTED).
WORKMAN WOULDN'T EVEN SIGN OFF ON THE EMERGENCY PFA, and when he finally did, the verdict for the previous contempt hearing was on that, which the women in the PFA office told me, "was highly unusual."
And yes, I hold Workman responsible for the final RAPES of my child that DID occur on that final weekend visit. HAD HE DONE HIS JOB, THE PROPER VERDICT WOULD HAVE COME BACK, RIGHT AWAY, BUT HE DIDN'T AND YOU, AS I ALREADY HAVE, MUST ASK YOURSELF WHY.
Why do I do this? And what do I want? JUSTICE. This judge didn't only legally force my child into harms way, I know of other cases as well from sitting in the victim witness room, listening to the stories of other parents. STORIES SO UNBELIEVABLE, YET TRUE. And I am talking about 5, 6, 7 year old little girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "They say," that marijuana is the "gateway" drug.....ah, no you know what is, BEING RAPED AND OR MOLESTED AS A CHILD. IT WILL FORCE A PERSON INTO A LIFE OF SELF HARM, DRUGGING, AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT "WEED," I AM TALKING ABOUT VYING FOR DEATH.
But yea, let's get those pesky downtown Puerto Ricans smoking the flipping weed and call it a day on crime fighting. OK. Christ ALMIGHTY. You bet I am angry.
The very last time I saw him, Workman, in court, was in may or june, 2010, because I had taken my child's rapist/father to court for contempt, as he took her out of state, to DE, without my consent, AND WITH this jeffrey epstein character who had, at that time, a "no contact" clause written into our custody agreement as he had, 3 COUNTS OF CORRUPTION OF MINOR CHARGES that he had been found guilty of (which are now wiped clean, thanks ARD). AHHH, my kid, at this time, was 9!!!!!!!!!
What should have been a slam dunk for my attorney, WASN'T. Workman, said, and I quote, VERBATIM, "I don't see what the big deal is." He even then allowed the rapist to YELL from the back of the courtroom, yet I was never even allowed to speak. HE ALSO NEVER EVEN CAME BACK WITH A VERDICT. Getting into court took 2 weeks, and as such, this hearing fell on the Friday that the rapist then had a scheduled visit. MY DAUGHTER WAS THEN FORCED TO GO ON ANOTHER VISIT WITH THIS MAN, AND IT WAS THEN THE FOLLOWING SUNDAY, AFTER I PICKED HER UP THAT SHE FELL APART AND CAME FORTH WITH EVERYTHING (she said, she finally came forth as the school had the week prior, shown a video about good touch bad touch and it was the mother's reaction within the video that made her come forth. She had been in therapy since the first incident when she was 5, yet would not say a word. LE, therapists, everyone had been waiting for this breakthrough -ALL OF THIS IS DOCUMENTED).
WORKMAN WOULDN'T EVEN SIGN OFF ON THE EMERGENCY PFA, and when he finally did, the verdict for the previous contempt hearing was on that, which the women in the PFA office told me, "was highly unusual."
And yes, I hold Workman responsible for the final RAPES of my child that DID occur on that final weekend visit. HAD HE DONE HIS JOB, THE PROPER VERDICT WOULD HAVE COME BACK, RIGHT AWAY, BUT HE DIDN'T AND YOU, AS I ALREADY HAVE, MUST ASK YOURSELF WHY.
Why do I do this? And what do I want? JUSTICE. This judge didn't only legally force my child into harms way, I know of other cases as well from sitting in the victim witness room, listening to the stories of other parents. STORIES SO UNBELIEVABLE, YET TRUE. And I am talking about 5, 6, 7 year old little girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "They say," that marijuana is the "gateway" drug.....ah, no you know what is, BEING RAPED AND OR MOLESTED AS A CHILD. IT WILL FORCE A PERSON INTO A LIFE OF SELF HARM, DRUGGING, AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT "WEED," I AM TALKING ABOUT VYING FOR DEATH.
But yea, let's get those pesky downtown Puerto Ricans smoking the flipping weed and call it a day on crime fighting. OK. Christ ALMIGHTY. You bet I am angry.
The Veil of Secrecy Has Been Lifted....
ReplyDeleteAfter many decades of secrecy and operation in the shadows, we, the illuminated ones, must begin to form the young membership. More than ever the world needs an elite group of individuals work to create the fate of the masses. They need us, but we must once again band together. What you see in the media today was not the original plan of our organization. It is not required that you are already super wealthy, or you are already an elite member of government or business....you must simply seek the light, and seek a world of knowledge that you realize exists, but is not sought after by the masses. You then become enlightened. You have made it to the ranks of the worlds most elite group. You have made it here because you chose to seek. Chose to seek the massive knowledge and power that is provided to those that wish to become enlightened. The path of enlightenment is not difficult, but it will not come to those who do not wish to find it. Never before have we sought out, in any outlet be it traditional print or digital media, a new membership, available to the public. But we now realize that the public is who seeks knowledge, and wishes to use it in a way that helps the masses become enlightened, and live in a way that enlightened ones do ! Now is the new era of the Illuminati! It is simple. You simply must commit. Commit to the plan of enlightenment, agree to further the cause of mans god given right to not live in the dark, to be free, and to live how he was made to live, enlightened. We require that individuals that want to join our branch of The Illuminati pay a small fee to be added to the membership records, and receive an official Illuminati membership certificate. Our goal is to operate as honestly and efficiently as possible. As you imagine, we like to operate in the shadows as much as possible.
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