Monday, November 12, 2018

DEW - Direct Energy Weapons & the California Fires

***twitter links aren't working, just go to @guns4goys it's the pinned tweet.  TY

Guys, gals, I'm going to tell you right now, I'm ANGRY. I may not like many of you, and you me, BUT THIS CHIT IS UNACCEPTABLE! You are ALL, still, MY PEOPLE.

Baroness Schraeder (@Guns4Goys) Tweeted: DEW= Direct Energy Weapon PASS THIS FAR AND WIDE. #CaliforniaWildfires

Now, it's been discussed FAR TOO OFTEN this year, that the California wildfires, seemingly resemble Hiroshima much more than regular forest fires, leading many of us to speculate, that these are being created using DEW. I mean, we'll see cars, with their tires melted to the pavement, with a thicket of trees just fine, INCHES away!

Well, for whatever MULTITUDE of reasons they may have, (distraction, destruction, displacement, etc.), we now have proof, that it's happening.  These ARE contrived acts, OF WAR, against ALL citizens of the United States of America.  It doesn't matter if you're left or right, rich or poor, black, brown, or white, gay or straight.  To them, IT DOESN'T MATTER.  You're lying to yourself if you believe that to them, you do matter.

The only one who gives two chits about you, besides your mother, and sometimes not even her, IS GOD THE FATHER, Christ, the Holy Spirit, et. al.

Get right w God people, The Sole Creator. And, PLEASE watch the video in the link below, and spread it as fast, and as far as you can.

Paul ⚔🛡 (@gypsycrusader88) Tweeted: DEW are starting the wild fires in California what is going on! @realDonaldTrump @FBI @SecretService @DHSgov @BreitbartNews @TuckerCarlson @seanhannity @IngrahamAngle

More links on DEW note below it looks familiar


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Space: The Infinite

Phenomenal talk, given by Jon Rappoport.
My favorite part, when he talks about those who've left our gravity field and how when they did, once back on earth, they reported seeing their loved ones, while in that, "space."

I believe it.

Such as the Glenn butterflies, and my post, "Orbs," from a couple if months ago.

It's ALL real, I feel, believe. God, the infinite, energy, etc.

Enjoy! And always, may Godbless. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Symbols, Everywhere!

Jim Stone had a post today about all of the pedophile groups symbols and how many, if not most, are on our children's toys, various children's organizations, etc. Link below, and I implore you to look.

Well, ironically enough, I was at a Walmart last night (pool supplies) and allowed my son to buy two Hello Neighbor figurines.

Here's a pic, note/ zoom in on, the chin.

I have no idea what this, Hello Neighbor is.  Bad parenting on my part. Yes. NONETHELESS, WHY? 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Recent Wildfires

I had read some articles after other recent wildfires, where people were noticing that cars burned, yet trees next to them were fine.

Granted, I don't know anything about ag sci, but it did seem weird then, as it does now.

"Conspiracists," were saying they felt the fires were started by beams, or something else from the MIC. Non lo so.

But here's where it gets interesting.  I had read articles, and looked at the accompanying pictures of the recent CA and Greek wildfires. Then, I read this article on the damage caused by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, along also, with pictures.  I noticed the same thing, some trees were standing, where everything else were burnt and or melted.

Now, I'm more comfortable in believing whatevers at play has more to do with an incoming planetary system, than man.  But, again, non lo so.


Prayers to all effected by the fires.


Light Behind the Light

This is a great place, I feel, to start, if you're just starting to, "think," about things outside of social media (Kim K, etc).

My five year old is obsessed with talking and thinking about, God, the devil, Light, darkness, etc.  And, he's concluded that the sun is God, and asks often, "who made God?" Hence this title of this post, which I took from a line in this video (in the same theory of the sun being a symbol of God), what is the Light behind the Light?

Second, I was listening to an Alan Watts speech the other night, and he said something which I know/knew, but didn't (you get me?). He asked, "when does life begin? At birth? Conception? And when does it end? Not at death. Life continues after death, and as such, began before your/our own conception.  Everything is eternal.  Never ending, on a cycle.  A circle."

Yes.  I get that.  I don't know why I'm sharing both together, but it's all tied together in my mind.

Kids, have, in my opinion, memories still of the otherside.  Of the eternal infinite.  So it's fun, and important, to listen to their thoughts on such things as God.

But in knowing that it's all one cycle.  We're always US, ourselves.  Combined with remembering the power we have as human beings, and harnessing that (as talked about in the above video), I feel, that's our, or at least, my, "trip," now.

My son, seems to have an inherent knowledge of God, that Light, but it was I who had to explain the negatives and why (why people WANT to pollute the minds, the masses, etc.). Just an interesting thing to note.

OK. Godbless.

**I'm fully aware of manly p hall's Masonic affiliation. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


My kids are going to kill me, nevertheless, after watching the video I posted in the previous post, coupled with things that I've seen with my naked eye, sometimes along with others (seeing) or alone, I felt, now, is the time to share this.

This video was shot at two houses ago of mine (june 2013).  It was shot upstairs, at the top of a sloped road, without access really, of it being man made.  It is my humble opinion, that this, as with what other things I have seen, and continue to see, as with what is shown in the Martyn Stubbs video, are all - interdimensional beings.

Now, I just mentioned this to the husband, who cannot talk about, nor think about or hypothesize about anything beyond what he can see and touch, and he said I'm crazy.  So, you may as well.  Or you maybe won't.  What I didn't share with him was that, as I was thinking about sharing this video, the song, "Red Red Wine," by UB40 came on.  I always take that as a sign of my late mom, as it was an inside joke, AND, it would come on her car radio just about every time I'd get in it (which wasn't too often growing up - so what were the odds, right?) and she said, just before she died, "when you hear it, you'll know it's me."  But, alas, we both had a firm knowledge in eternal life.

Here it goes.  I also have frame by frames, which if I can, will post as well.


Maybe I'm wrong, and it is just a trick of the light, which honestly, I will not ever believe.  IN fact, I actually have many, specifically, from that summer, along with one orb, which came in color - blue, though I believe that was my late, best friend, Dion. I was with his girlfriend when we captured it, along with a cross of light!   I know, bizarre, unexplainable - though 100% legit (you know what?  I'll check with her, and if she says yes, I'll post those as well)

I'll end this by saying; I know, that I am 100% comfortable in feeling and saying that it is all, interdimensional. That there are layers, upon layers, to what we call life.  It's just choosing to see it.


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Happy July 23!

Happy Birthday, Ras Tafari, Haile Selassie I.

And, another Happy Birthday to my beautiful black lab; the late, great, astounding, and beloved Jo Jo Dancer aka Captain Joseph J. Dancer.

I won't ever believe his birth date was a coincidence, as he was more than a gift from God.  He was my actual salvation during my most trying times
  He was my only friend, companion and the shoulder I'd cry on. Jo, was the epiphany of, ride or die, God rest his soul.

~Until I see you on the otherside, homie.  Rasta, forever.

Enough sadness.

Enjoy today!
Jahbless :)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

"Gangs" updated

The husband loves his fox news, local news, television.  And as such, with his office being open to the kitchen, I can sometimes get dragged into what is being propagated on his tel-lies-vision.

Yesterday, there was a whole block on fox news about the MS-13 gang, which supposedly only infiltrated the country under Barry O.  NOW, you should know by now, that I was never an obamanuti. I never fell for his, "sheen," and never, ever voted for him (and no, I'm not racist, white libs.  How can I be if I'm half brown? lol). THAT SAID, WHAT ABOUT THE FREEMASON GANGS, AND THE DUAL ISRAEL/AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP AIPAC GANGS?  Lord knows, they CERTAINLY outnumber the MS-13 gang, the crips, bloods, Latin kings, Italian mob (or what's left of it), etc., combined! Add onto that, and a sentiment I had shared often in my criminal justice classes, I've yet to have harm brought onto me OR my family by any of the above mentioned gangs (knock on wood), but I HAVE HAD direct harm brought onto me AND my family by the Freemasons and their American dual citizenship homies!

They, the Freemasons and their American/Israeli AIPAC homies, are FAR more of a threat to all of us than the MS-13, or even the mob (Irish, Italian, Asian, etc). Honestly, from experience, and from word on the street, those gangs have ETHICS (such as outing or even killing pedophiles, not killing, or harming wives and kids, etc.)..the same cannot be said of the Freemasons, and their American AIPAC homies.

To add, I'm not saying all the other, "gangs," are just dandy..because there are some seriously, f'ed people out there, such as human traffickers.  No, my point is, and what I'm asking is when will these other groups (gangs), which harbor complete and total control on all of us, via their total control of the establishment, for THEY ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT, when will they be recognized as such?

In Christ's Name.
Rastafari, baby, forever. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Let's Just Call This: An Ode to PANAMA DAVE

I've got a bit of a fire in my bum, over basically, the same old, same old.

This is old news, though ties in with Trump calling to, "execute drug dealers."  Jesus Christ!  Surely NOT, doctors on the pharmaceutical corps dole.  Nor the pharmaceutical companies! This phucking guy. Really.

The rapper Bobby Shmurda.

Young Bobby put himself in the limelight, with his hit song, from a few years ago, Hot N***a (below).  Take a listen.  This was deemed incriminating, and as such, search warrants issued, and I believe he was finally popped on weapons charges, and is currently serving 7 yrs.

Now, I'm not saying what young bobby was involved with and or doing was or is acceptable behavior, I merely am about to point out the INCONSISTENCY within our SYNagogue of satan, (aka the legal system).

Which brings us to the now infamous John Skippy podesta recording (I refuse to listen, but it is below).

Here's my beef.

HOW THE FUCK IS THIS GUY NOT STRUNG UP, MUSSOLINI STYLE, with his corpse, and memory being desecrated along w the alefantis', and Peter Sculleys' (of destruction of daisy, "fame,") of the world, but Bobby shmurda is imprisoned?

I'm going to end this with something I've learned from my life, which is what I base everything on.  I know I've shared a dozen times, that my life has taken me from being pretty financially well off, to living in the actual gutter, to here, where I am now, right in the middle (and in that order).

I've hung out with gang bangers, the Bobby shmurda's of the world.  The person mentioned in this title, Panama Dave was someone ALL within the establishment would fear, hunt, etc., then and probably to this day. Yet, he took me in when I was a homeless CHILD of 16 or 17.  He never tried to sex me.  Rather, he cared, clothed, fed, housed and even protected me. And yes, he was the first person I ever knew who had a chest riddled with bullet wound scars (and he would flash it, every chance he got,  always with a dance, to share his stories of how he got them, lol. True story).  He had a younger sister who lived with him too. Maybe I reminded him of her, non lo so.  All he ever wanted in return was my friendship.

BUT, and to my point, ON PAPER, he was, to, "the man," a Bobby Shmurda.  Probably and in all likelihood, worse, but, honestly, he was a good, good man.  One who would most certainly be on Trump's current, desired hit list.

MEANWHILE, just as back then and as is now, we will have the well dressed, white collar, LEGALLY raking in a minimum of $100g + a yr - pedophiles, toddler snuff commissioning, infant, toddler and child raping, ASSHOLES who will continue to WALK?!?!?! And, walk amongst us!  ON WHAT FUCKING PLANET?  NOT MINE.

People, the only hope I cling to is that, if ALL the prophecies are true, then, our time is nigh. Godwilling.


PS. To Panama, I don't think I ever had the chance, or mind, to say - thank you.  I wish many blessings upon you and your sister.

PPS. Here's a palette cleanser for those who clicked on the podesta video (the devil's advocate brought me to this song).


Friday, February 23, 2018

WACO: A Reminder

I watched this the other night, and not only became angry, again, but noted two things I need to share with you.

Near the beginning of this doc, at one of the very first scenes for the Senate hearings on this Waco massacre, first I noted that horrible gremlin of a human, Elena Kagan sitting to the left of the screen, front row in the audience, WITH THE HAPPIEST GRIN ON HER FACE.  Second thing I noted, that spineless shrew of a human, sen. Schumer of NY, SMILE, after a witness from the massacre detailed the DEATH OF HIS DAUGHTER!

There IS a common denominator between kagan and schumer.  They're lucifarians.

These people are vile, they've infiltrated all of our establishment, (sorry, CREATED our establishment) and now they want total control over us by going after our guns. NEVERMIND that their pharmaceuticals have given us a FAR higher maim and body count of US citizens on US soil. Doped, damaged and dead are fine to them. Having self defense from them is utterly, reprehensible. Think about that.

Lastly, David Koresh was right, about everything!

In Jesus' Name.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Hoopla Surrounding the Charities: TRUST NO ONE

I, for one am not surprised by what's coming out right now about the different charities, and their abuse of, "power." The taking advantage of others, the sex - with children and or adults.  It's despicable, but not a surprise to me at all.   I had spent time on the street, as you know.

Actually, let me share something I learned back then, and mind you, I grew up with a mother who was often at the head of and or a founder of various charities. (and I love her, God rest her soul, but she was a hypocrite of the highest degree, and she knows it).

Few charities, few richies, ever helped when I was on the street.  This may seem and sound arrogant of me, but, I used to call that experience, my, "Christ-like experiment," for it showed you, who really helps those in need, and who doesn't.

Those who helped, without ever wanting anything in return, were always the downtrodden; the five dollar hookers, the other poor, the illegals, and even the drug dealers. They'd give us food, (not drugged), have their friends put us up in their hotels (the Indians), share money, etc..  The richies, would walk by and say I should have my kids ripped from me, and call the cops, (little did they know, the cops and I were on friendly terms, so...).  They never shared, never bought us food, or a place to stay.

Anyway, what really gets me the most about this whole charity thing, is that, even worse than these men using these people as basically, a tissue, (to shoot their sperm into), how many of these people, BELIEVED that maybe, commitment, marriage, would be in the cards for them?  Can you imagine?  How flipping hurtful.  Seriously.

This brings me to a recent show that was on TLC, called, 90 Day Fiance (my husband is an addict).  I tried watching this with the husband, but was made SO UNCOMFORTABLE, by a character, in Haiti, who seemed to, and was likely, just such a person (using these people as nothing more than tissues), I said something to the husband, something along the lines of, "what do you want to bet he's a clinton foundation or from some other charity down there to, "help."" The husband noted, as the series progressed, it was clear that this character, dropped/moved on from this girl, because she, "got a bit too old for his tastes." SPECULATION on both of our parts, yes, however, usually, when my gut radar goes off, it's usually right.

Check out this, smarmy fellow, in the clip below, and tell me he doesn't make your stomach do flips.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Child Sexual Abuse & An Open Secret (doc)

While responding to a video in regards to the Jehovah Witness possible child sex ring***, etc. I shared something I know, yet had hidden away in my memories; that of the lack thereof, of those within the psychology fields, of handing over said abusers to law enforcement.

I spent a great deal of my childhood locked away in NYS rehabs (four winds, arms acres, st. vincent's, etc), a behavioral modification school (Amity in italy), and a halfway house in chippewa falls, WI. I was sent to most, for being, "on the pot!," with the exceptions of four winds, and then amity, as I was sent to those in succession for running away from my home when I was 14.  The rest were subsequent.  ***

ALL of those places mentioned above, were FILLED, PRIMARILY WITH ADOLESCENTS.  Adolescents who had been sexually abused in their childhoods, and usually, in their homes.  These things would come out within group therapy sessions, and for the most part, I believed them all.  There were a few at Amity who I feel, were pressured into saying it, being as we'd be locked in a room, on the other side of the ocean, indefinitely until they, "cracked." But the rest, my gut told me then, and now, that these kids were telling the truth.

NOW, NEVER, DID I ONCE SEE LEGAL CHARGES BROUGHT FORTH AGAINST SAID ACCUSED.  NOT ONCE.  And to make matters worse, the accused would often come around whichever campus we were on!  Even sadder, at these places within the United States, IF a kid would act out, have a freak out, etc., which can be common, WHEN NO ONE IS LISTENING TO YOU, you can bet the staff would call law enforcement, adding more trouble onto to an already troubled child's life. 

OK> some food for thought, CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE WASN'T EVEN A, "THING," UNTIL THE 1970's.  Just think about that for a moment.  

Finally, here's a link to the documentary film, An Open Secret (about the pedophlia problem plaguing hollywood).

Have a good day.

*** I became a "druggie," after leaving these places - so, 18+, and a heroin addict, 20+, though sober since the ages of 24/25.  My mentality/logic, at that time had been, why not become all the things I've been labeled, AND, I did, want to try to die.  Dio Mio!  My adolescence is probably why I embrace the aging process now!!! For, it is nothing short of a miracle that I'm alive, after having such idiotic thought processes as a youngster, lol.

*** there were often Jehovah Witness kids in the NYS rehabs, and with what they'd share, this news of child sex rings within their church, is not a surprise.