Thursday, March 2, 2017

Book of Revelation 22:2 - Some Call it Marijuana

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of all the nations

I do believe that marijuana is "the leaves of the tree," that WILL heal all the nations. 

The criminalization of the cannabis plant IS at the heart of man's control over humanity.  The simple FACT that in many places, STILL in 2017, herb/marijuana is criminally more offensive than that of an adult having sex with a child or infant is a flipping, gaddamn abomination.  Yet, this is a truth.  And, people have accepted it.  Nodding along, mummering, "well, it'll never change.' Or, "well, that's just the way it is," as they stomp off to their democrapic fundraiser, never even realizing THEY are themselves the very people they "hate(d)" from that Bruce Hornsby song, That's Just the Way it is...some things will NEVER change....

OH, but don't YOU believe it. 

I really have a zero tolerance for those who are anti marijuana, especially at this stage.  To add, I can accept if someone is anti marijuana, AND anti alcohol, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, etc. The people I have "zero tolerance for," are those, from both sides of the political fence, who are vehemently against marijuana.  They are always vocal about their disdain for marijuana, MOCK those who do use it, meanwhile, they are the sort who themselves pop the whiskey at noon, keeping that alive until bed.  Pop SOMA's, because, you know, they have a headache.  Will take Adderalls (sp?) while pregnant, smoke tobacco, vape, drink, drink, drink, pop pharm after pharm, yet people smoking a joint is what offends them! I'm 99.99% positive that what's in those synthetic drugs is black oil.  Now, what in your right mind makes you think our bodies were meant to ingest black oil?  We've been getting subjected to it in our food, so to seek it out is dumb.  And then to NOT think there's going to be an adverse effect - that's insanity. Anyway, back to those pesky "pot smokers."

Honestly, the people that I know who smoke, that is all they do.  They don't usually drink or pill pop.  I mean, some people do everything because they are garbage cans.  That is not what we are talking about.

But let's continue with the old lie that, yeah, it's the joint tokers, they're the f*&ked up ones.  Um, ok.

Again, and backing away from the above sarcasm; I do believe that if MARIJUANA WERE LEGAL, as suggested per this article from zero hedge, which approached the idea, fiscally,  that THE LEGALIZATION OF CANNABIS WOULD BE THE CORNERSTONE, for the foundation OF A BEAUTIFUL, NEW LAND.  Praise God.

And that's, just the way it is.  :)

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