Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Vault 7 Info

Hi everyone!

I'm going to repost this link to a pod cast in re: to vault 7.   Now,  get past the intro, because it'll be good to know.  It's about how BASICALLY everything is an eye.  Everything IS hackable, etc.  All the things which many of us have already known. But, as the host of the above link says, it deemed us "conspiracy theorists."  

I had my laptop camera hacked in 2008.  I won't say why, or anything else other than, I think, it happened because simply put; I didn't fall for the "obama-sheen."  I was described to the T from people online.  The surroundings, etc.  Everyone at the time made fun of me for saying I was hacked, but soon afterwards, it came out that the Philly SD had been spying on their kids via their SD laptop cameras!  So, I thought everyone knew that - that everything with a camera is hackable.
And don't even get me started on cars!  This was "another" gem that my birth mom thought I was "crazy" for; because you know, I'm "paranoid," which is a sign of insanity I guess.  I see it as living in reality.  I made mention of why I don't like buying cars made after certain years.  I heard they are all hackable. At the time, I cited that basketball team owner/CEO of that gas or oil co, if I'm not mistaken, the one that is pushing for the pipeline here in Lancaster.  ANYWAY< he died some time probably last spring.  Slammed going like 80 into a wall (the side of a bridge).  But it turned out he was under indictment!  And no one, at all, mentioned murder!  (made a quick google search - I was thinking of Aubrey McClendon, Chesapeak Energy
https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2016/03/chesapeake-energy-ceo-aubrey-mcclendon-dies/471987/ ).  Sorry, I like that I pick up on such things when I read the news. If that makes me "crazy" then so be it. And I think it's the Atlantic Sunset or something here. I had the wrong co. 

Anyway guys, everything is a spy ware (I made an earlier note of this, in an earlier post ages ago, of a conversation I had with an Israeli girl before I started using a computer 2002-3).  Every thing will be used against us, (lol, yea, sure but not...at all!).  I'm pretty sure even my shitty little computer has been mic'ing me and my house. I just assumed prior.  My argument always has been, that even if you knew or suspected nothing, a child of the 80's needed to just think no further than the film E.T.  Remember how "the man" drove around the neighborhood, listening in on people's conversations?  And who didn't have "tapped phones," as a kid (or was that only at my house)?  Remember when you could hear it, the click, on the old land lines?   Now why would their, "the man's," surveillance techniques stop growing?


Link again above.  You know, listen with prudence. Take in the tech part, the surveillance part. And KC if you are reading this - do you still really think I'm "crazy?"

p.s.  an old good friend of mine who worked deep in this industry - computers/govt contracting told me before 2000 that when "the worst-case scenario" comes, it'll be "when people will get locked in their own houses."  So remember that, before you buy Alexa, or whatever it is called.

Go in Peace and may Godbless.

Who God bless, no man curse. 

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