Friday, March 24, 2017

Just Me - IO

Hy guys.

I'm going to be blowing chit up soon.  WHY?  (and I don't mean with dynamite nsa), I'm going to be blowing chit up with TRUTH, my WORDS, POWER and ENERGY.  IO am about to POP the fuck off.  Why? Here's what's up.

My husband is DYING of ALS.  Fine, I'll say it.  He is only HERE still, because of me (it's a miracle, going four years strong AFTER diagnosis!!!!!!! - BUT WE DO NOT USE NOR ADHERE TO WESTERN MED.  NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL).  I can help people, heal them, bring them back from the brinks of death.  I did it with myself, I did it with my husband (I can no longer deny that.  I AM a soul/life path #11....and I cannot pretend like I'm NOT anymore).

It's called ENERGY, mindfulness, even LOVE, truth.  And I am not lying, people can feel my energy.  I know I have power.  I've always had it, my whole life.  I know I can affect people.  I was embarrassed to admit these things before, but now I can no longer allow my own fear to RULE ME.  Because, truth be told, I'm afraid of my own power.  but not anymore.

MY husband, is dying.  He has ALS.  He also uses CBD (yeah FLIP YOU, DEA), which helps tremendously, and he smokes herb, every day, or uses a vape.  Now, the state of PA wants him to, for the final months of his life, GET DRUG TESTED, for a "dui" from 4 years ago!!!!!!!!  (the DUI, was because the cop thought he was drunk, because of his "disability" which was undiagnosed at the time.  This event was what catapulted him to get diagnosed.  But DUI?  My husband has never drank alcohol, in his life, nor taken a pharm, nor smoked tobacco, ALL HE DOES IS SMOKE HERB.  IN PA, the amount needed to be deemed a "dui" from marijuana equates to someone smoking a joint 30 days ago (they measure in some ridiculous amount of nanograms).

I'm not going to ALLOW these POS's who LET MY SIX YEAR OLD"S DAUGHTER'S RAPIST WALK, put my husband in a situation where, he dies like that - uncomfortable, OR ON SYNTHETIC OPIATES!!!!!!!!

I'm done fucking playing.  I've been lying dormant since I got pregnant with my "baby" over four years ago (because everything IS energy), but the time is NIGH.  And just as I said in the post, "these muther fuckers want a civil war, " that they HAVE NOT EVER met a warrior such as us/me - I MEANT EVERY WORD OF IT.  I come with LOGIC< TRUTH> and I AM IN THE RIGHT.

People, I have just declared WAR against the State of PENNSYLVANIA> I want pedophiles in prison and NOT marijuana growers, smokers, ingesters.  And ALL the MARICONS who have allowed this satanic, barbaric system to continue and thrive (DA's, lawyers and judges throughout the state) - get ready, mama's got you in her sight.  It's done.  OVER.  Pack your bags, take cover - because it is ON> You're a butter knife, and I'm A MACHETE.

RAS TAFARI forever.


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