Saturday, March 4, 2017

John McCain's Campaign Manager is a Pedophile

We all know the old adage, you are the people you keep, well, Jeffrey Bartleson, 52, the campaign manager for Sen. John McCain was arrested, not once, but twice!, since the new year, on charges of the molestation of male children, including but not pertaining to, that, of another McCain campaign worker. Nice.

Good job mom!  For not being intimidated into not having your child come forward, especially working within the same office and with said perp your likely superior.  And good job and thank you to the LE and DA who actually had the guts to go forth with the charges!  Let's keep arrests such as these coming.

If I've said it once, I've said it a Gazillion times; there is nothing I detest more than pedophiles, other than those in power who protect them.

*** I'd like to add, and note.  In the article about Bartleson, notice how it is said that he "basically, placed himself in positions with authority over children," as many of these perverts do (like a certain family court judge I know).  You know what, I'll just copy and paste the exact quote below.  It's disturbing on so many levels. I'm going to sign off now.  You all have a Blessed day.  Peace

According to Detective Daniel Anderson, Bartleson has usually positioned himself so he is around children, whether as a Scout master, as a sponsor of the chemical-dependency unit at Pueblo’s Parkview Medical Center, at his church or simply by inviting children to spend the night at his home.
In June 2003, then-Rep. Scott McInnis praised Bartleson in a tribute at the U.S. House of Representatives.
In the tribute, McInnis noted that “in his capacity as a foster parent, Jeff has helped several youth in the region through his work with the Young Life Association and the El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch.”

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