Saturday, December 17, 2016

MAGIC: It's Time

WARNING - discombobulated.  I'm leaving it up because, there is a point.

Everyone who has read this blog knows that I identity religiously as a Rasta.  I have, since as long as I could remember, long before I knew I was of mixed race and or that even Bob Marley was of mixed race.  All I knew as a young 3 and 4 year old was that I was brown, and yet all I saw of God were representations of him being a white, blond haired, blue eyes man, and that the people who represented "God" also looked the same.  Even at that young age, I doubted that I had to go through ANYONE let alone a white man to get to know God (nevermind that after several visits to Vatican City, I began voicing how the wealth contradicted EVERYTHING Jesus stood for!). Suffice to say, I awoke to the "lie," as I said, seemingly since I first opened my eyes.

 Here's the thing, it was my belief back then as it is now, that if what we were being taught from the bible, of the apparitions, and miracles from back in the day, well if they happened back then, they could happen now.  No? Yes.  Where does the race fall in?  Here.  I was adopted.  I knew this since day 1, that I was adopted.  I grew up in Harrison, NY which was segregated.  Let's be real, unless you were of a diplomatic family, or born of a non-white celebrity, you didn't live or socialize in Harrison, NY during the 70-80's.  I was always acutely aware of this fact.  My own mother would often tell me that they chose me rather than another native american boy as his skin was too dark and they were afraid he wouldn't be allowed at the club, which then had an unwritten, no blacks policy (though Tiger Woods must've blasted that ages ago).  This was the world I grew up in.

I would tell my mother, who was also a ccd teacher that I believe in God, I just didn't believe in what she or anyone else had been teaching me.   I was right.  God and finding God and the connection with God can only come from within the individual.  It is not something to be taught, maybe uncovered.  No one has a monopoly on God.  THE POWER IS WITHIN US.  True, it's much more difficult to find that direct connection when you are covering your own light with poisons, but I promise you, just open your eye, just one eye.....and your own personal domino effect will take place.


So here's the thing.  Rasta to me is about not buying the "system."  It's about not buying what has been the dialog.  It's about understanding the sham, that it's all been a lie. It's all been a lie SO THEY CAN CONTROL US. (My religious knowledge runs deeper, however this is what I find to be a great summation when asked, especially for people who have never questioned, or had a need to question the dialog presented to them.  It's a lot less foreign and frightening and usually, gets people thinking about things they never did before).

If people understood that THEY HAD THE POWER.  THAT IT IS ALL ABOUT ENERGY, chit would explode.  It's why they'd sooner get your 14 year old hooked on Adderall while throwing a mother in prison for several years for giving her kid marijuana.  CONTROL.

That leads me to MAGIC and MYSTICISM.  ENERGY IS REAL. What is God?  Energy. God is Energy.  We have the power. I and I - aka God and I.  BUT - WE must start to come together, detox off the pharmaceuticals, the alcohol, the tobacco, the fake frankenfoods, DETOX.  Get yourselves BACK.

WE CANNOT WIN unless we unite our energy.  And we cannot unite our energy if people are treating their bodies like garbage cans. 

I've bought myself 3 books on historic appalachian witchcraft, mysticism for xmas (I am half white! scotch irish, german).  I'm getting ready to really Fight The Power.  PEOPLE, LET'S DO THIS.

The above song pertains to ALL OF US.  This isn't about skin tone.  Sure, some may have been born on the wrong side of the machine and thus been forced to awake to the truth and then the "fight" of the system, the machine.  Nevertheless, the other truth is, WE ARE ALL THE SAME.  THIS PERTAINS TO ALL OF US>  amen.

"head creator"


Guys, I'd like to add that the cat's out of the bag now.  It's not just us "crazies," who believe the satanists are in control.  IT IS FACT.  To ignore it makes us complacent from this point forward.  It also means that God, and energy, IT IS ALL TRUE. We now must remind ourselves that this isn't about Muslims vs Christians vs Jews;  BECAUSE THOSE TOO ARE ALL DECEIVERS.  There IS NO DIVISION AMONGST GOD'S PEOPLE. 

There is only ONE GOD, and it does not, nor should it matter the road which you take to get there, to God, ONLY THAT YOU GET THERE.  Because anyone who KNOWS GOD, knows there is no division.  A person who knows God, exhibits it in their behaviors AND THEY MAY NOT EVEN KNOW THEY WALK WITH GOD!  Remember, this isn't about what your spout out of the mouth, or the image you present towards people, but what you do, what you think, how you act, what you allow.  

The Time is Nigh.

I love you. 


Here we go again.  The gaddamn pinkies have now come out criminalizing CBD oil, by classifying it as a schedule I drug.  And whom are the gaddamn pinkies, the DEA.

I have never, from the time I opened my eyes, believed that the "man," the government, the system had MY best interests at heart.  Because they don't.  My life, what I've lived, experienced only proves that my inherent cynicism for the man, the controllers, the government was accurate.

THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.  Whether you are white, and working within the system, I promise, they do not care about you, (you are just like the rest of us peons).  The rest of us, we know, and have known that they don't care about us, or our kids, they never have.

Again, the criminalization of this plant IS at the CRUX OF THE CONSPIRACY.  If we can begin to admit THE TRUTH, beginning with this HERB, it'll be a domino effect of change.




Wednesday, December 14, 2016

UPDATED CORRECTION The Truth About Trump : It Can't be Good

This is just a mental fart people.

I've been still, relishing in my exhale, that HRC or the HRC clone was NOT declared the winner that I hadn't really been able to sit and think about Trump.

I, back in June, liked Trump, based solely on what he was saying about marijuana, as I back and WILL back anyone who publically denounces, calls marijuana criminalization for what it is, illegal and insane and calls for full legalization. Trump, at that time had said enough, what now I forget, as his comments from July erased all of that for me. Trump, during a stop in colorado, indicated that he was now a "well, I can see it for only medicinal purposes, kinda guy," (aka a commie, bs kinda guy).  Here's the thing for anyone thinking I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, statistically, there is more money being spent on busting people for marijuana, BY A LANDSLIDE, than for or on anything else.

Arrests by drug type

The above chart was taken from the Bureau of Justice DOT GOV site.   It shows what my own research, of government statistics that I've come across and or used from the mid 1990's on, which show consistently how marijuana has been THE NUMBER ONE for busts since, well, according the the above chart, 1994-5ish.  So there you go.  It's not for heroin, or coke, or meth, or lsd, or now the onslaught of pharmaceuticals.  Nor is the same time and energy being put into finding missing US children, or child porn sites, etc.!

I've long maintained,(calling it even a conspiracy LONG before I even knew what I know now - that yes, it is and has been a massive, global conspiracy), that it's FAR easier to see, or spot HERB, weed, the ganje, a fucking plant, than it is to do some real gaddamn work, like looking into the pit that is child sex trafficking, pornography, etc. And why?  WHY? Because of where the pit runs to.

Anyway, we all know this.  The American MSM is purporting to the people that Pizzagate is "fake news," meanwhile, the "good guys" really DID prevail, busting open a massive, global child sex abuse and streaming, etc network and we hear nothing of it. We should be thankful to the men and women of Law Enforcement in Norway who INVESTIGATED without societal, professional bias.

Which leads us back to Trump.  If a politician backtracks on something like marijuana, which is at the crux of this conspiracy, then they are done.

I wanted to believe in Trump.  I can't lie. I can tell you, he was kicked out of my adopted father's golf club when I was a kid.  From what my dad told me, it was for betting on games, which wasn't allowed, but also for not then paying up when he lost.  My father and all his buddies hated him. This was like circa late 1980's.  So, with all of the bashing of him, I was going to say that in support of him (not for being a shyster, rather for the men who despised him).  But then, in mentally breaking down the sort of men who created this golf club, which I'd identify as men who made money circa the industrial boom on up, via entrepreneurship, etc., maybe old money, but definitely not WASP money.  From my perspective, they had their own clubs.  And definitely no Jews. No Jews!  Exactly.

I know.  We knew that.  I've written that (...both Trump and HRC are fronts for Israel).  My point is, which side he's on, who he is supporting, the zionists.  Trump is a Zionist.


 At Christmas, the old man retracted his statement from around 30 years ago and said, "Trump was suspended, never kicked out."

So there you have it.  The old man also said he does not think Trump will be so stupid as to follow netanyahu aka satanyaho down a further supportive path.  But I don't agree.  Hopefully I'm wrong. We will have to wait and see.  

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The CN Mental Rundown

All right folks!  Here it is.  Clearly, I am still mentally scarred from the Destruction of Daisy info.  It's been months (?) and all I know is that I felt, after reading that, like what else matters?  If not living every day, for only to put an end to such perversions, because nothing else matters.  Not Hillary, Trump, Brexit, ME, nothing.  And it's not as if I wasn't aware of such things, because I was, I just never felt it so detailed, as if I viewed it myself, close.  But aware, I was, am.

This brings us to PIZZAGATE.  #1 I was not nor am surprised.  These same, sexually deviant men run Lancaster, or did.  They were behind what happened to my child.  Do I think or believe that ALL gay men are pedophiles? I don't know.  I do believe that anal sex among anyone one is deviant.  And though some who are deviant may have a line that is drawn somewhere, far too often, for most, there is not.


These fucking pigs.  Who would not only create "art" from murder scenes, but who would want these pieces of "art" hung in their homes!  It's all so interconnected and twisted.  My birth mother who scoffed at me and said, "THIS is why people think you're crazy," (because I said Hillary Clinton is a satanist - based solely off her defending of a 12 year old child's kidnapper and rapist), and YET AGAIN, I was spot on.


I'm not going to lie, I didn't leave my property on 11/11.  I would have only voted for Jill Stein if I had anyway, but the fear of Hillary winning kept me away.  I truly was pleasantly surprised Trump won.  Not that I didn't feel that the vast majority were going to vote for him, I just knew the fix was in.  However, it is my belief that nothing has changed as per what is in store for America.  The powers that be were not dumb enough to note that had they crowned HIllary queen, (or the Faux Hillary because HILLARY IS DEAD), the people were going to go for their heads, and probably would have got them. So they pacified us, placed Trump as pres, but shit is moving along per their instructions don't you doubt that for one sec.


I still think she is here.  I think, for example, the weather we are having is her way of screaming, ECCOMI QUI!

It's HOT out.  And it doesn't just feel like a hot Fall day, it feels like Spring.  It smells like Spring cusping into Summer.


I'm rereading this right now and what I'd like to share is this.  Obviously, Biko was a genius beyond most geniuses. He was Brilliant.  His words should be read to help us see what needs to be done today. There's a reason why nothing has truly changed.  His point; how can you want to change a system from within a system which should be dismantled to begin with?  The whole system is a barbaric, ungodly, system.  You can't fix something which basis is wrong. You must create a new system.

SUCH is this when I hear people such as my birth mother defend Hillary by saying, "That was her job! (to defend someone she KNEW raped a 12 year old child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).  THAT WAS HER JOB!  ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND? These sorts cannot even see their system is a sham.  Their system IS a system whose tenets are based off satanism.  Not LOVE, CARING, TRUTH< HONESTY.  No, rather their system is about manipulation, control, fear, lies, greed, corruption. You want me to work within that?  To change what?  You cannot change anything unless you confront the truth. Yes, I am with BIKO.

That is all for now. I wanted to discuss the RH negative, etc is correlation with something Biko said (detailing the difference between natural African's culture and that of the Colonial's).  Not as a race war thing, because like Steve Biko said, Black Consciousness isn't about skin color it's about being awake.  Seeing the system for what it is.  As well, I do believe that MANY of us have such mixed blood (RH - +) that IF RH negative, are in fact an alien dna, many of us have at least one drop of it (which certainly is a LOL, one drop......shoe is one the other foot).  How does this come into play, BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THAT PEDOPHELIA, CHILD SACRIFICE, SNUFF FILMS, etc exists among the global elite.  HOW ANY NORMAL, NATURAL HUMAN CAN PARTAKE IN SUCH EVENTS needs to be examined.  Now let's cut to current events, Prince Harry's girl friend. Pretty girl, a mixed race American.  Personally, I think she's perfect for him and their kids would be the best looking of the family but for it to be such a big deal that she's half black!  Makes you wonder again, what was the big deal about the purity of the blood line to begin with (for many sorts, jews as well).

All righty then, Godbless and Later Gaters. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Palate Cleanser (much needed after that last post)


Apparently there is a psycho human who needs to be put down named, peter scully.  he made baby snuff videos, this is just too much.  too much, I don't even want to describe.  basically, this monster, tortured baby girls to death on video, for pedophiles, like himself. Finger's crossed, the Philippines will bring back the death penalty, just for him. DO IT.  Hopefully, his two female accomplices will die too (hey wait, isn't it the Philippines where the new president told vigilantes to kill drug dealers?  WELL, KILL THIS actual POS! Why the wait?).

PRAYERS FOR THE BABIES MURDERED, SO HORRIFICALLY.  PRAYERS FOR THE ONES WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT YET, AND MAY NEVER KNOW ABOUT.  Things of this nature are not isolated events.  The world, the men and women in it are sick. I could barely read the above article, and part of me wished I hadn't. Humans, if we can call them that, who can watch such filth (the sadistic, sexual murder of children, babies, of ANYONE) and those who create such evil - need to die.  Plain and simple.

*** I can honestly state, that the article linked above, is THE WORST thing that I have ever read in my whole time being on this earth.  That's an absolute fact. Christ Almighty. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"My Occupation is to Stop the Inauguration of Satan"

Hola mi amici!

Hopefully, many of you will know that the above title is from The Wu-Tang Clan's song, Impossible off the excellent and highly recommended (it's an education) Forever dual CD.  So, let's discuss "the election."  Dum, dumb, dum.  It's lethal out there.  Those who are for hillary, are die hard.  Lord knows, my own birth mother broke up with me this summer, mid vacation, she left, all because I stand firm in stating that it IS my belief that hillary is a satanist.  Nevermind that I told her, BOTH "top" candidates are, considering they are both tight with another Satanist, Jeffrey Epstein, and both candidiates are merely fronts for Israel (therefore I side with neither). But the thing that truly crossed her, hillary, off my "like" list, was, being as I am the mother OF a sexual assault victim, and then a further victim of the corrupt judicial system, I abhor ANYONE who would defend a known child sex abuser and or rapist.  Hillary, ON recording, admitted to and LAUGHED about getting her defendant off for the crime of raping a 12 year old!  My birth mother refused to acknowledge that Hillary even practiced trial and or criminal law, denied ever hearing about Jeffrey Epstein, and refused to even see, or hear the facts to back up both.  She said I was "crazy."  You know what, good riddance.  I should have never vied for her love after the first thing she ever said to me was, "you were never meant to find me," with the follow up being, "are you smart?" because she purposely didn't nourish me in the womb hoping I'd die.  But I was 30, and had been IN LOVE with her my whole life.  However, this is not about her.  She, my birth mother is merely a prime example of hillary supporters, and it's frightening.  This post is about hillary, satan, and the deeper progression into satanism our world is crashing into.

Everyone saw hillary fall on 9/11/16.  Even if you disliked her, as I, you had to have felt a pit in your stomach as you watched her stiffen up, and definitely drop while being shoved into the van.  I know I did. Now we have rumors that she had died, with even NYC news outlets reporting as such, much like with building 7.  Add to that, the person who came out of chelsea's apartment later on in the day on 9/11/16 who looked years younger, thinner, and definitely an actor seemingly acting, makes the rumor sound like it could, "kinda" be true. So much so that main stream media had been picking up the "hillary body double" story, the is hillary dead story, not just on alternative sites.

Now, let's cut to 9/20/16.  Angelina Jolie, the UN puppet/darling decides to file for divorce from brad pitt.  Ok.  People divorce all the time.  Yes, I know.  But, now, where's all the hillary debacle news? Exactly.  Not to mention the Russian air strike in Syria which should have killed "Isis" but instead killed Israelis.  HMMMMM.  Well, now, even people like my birth mother, who don't believe in false flags, or that lucifarians are running the show, or that Isis is really Israel and our CIA, even they would know that it's ALL BEEN A LIE.  So CUE AJ to steal the show from them, and yes, we have ALL looked away.

Lastly, in staying with AJ, the UN puppet queen, and the Lucifarian chit show, Angelina's brother James Haven, the one she kissed passionately after she won some award, is now the kid's full time nanny.  That's fine, the troubling part for me is that it's being reported that the younger two kids are calling him daddy.  Now, because I'm demented (or crazy, as my birth mother noted), I can acutely remember reading, pre Brangelina, when it was just rumor, and just before it came out as fact, that Maddox Jolie (at the time) was running around the set calling Brad Pitt, Daddy.

Here's where it get's good, (aka deeply troubling considering the state of things), also in today's news, just after reading about the Jolie-Pitts twins calling James Haven daddy, I came across this little gem; why inbreeding is not always bad. (!!!???!!!) Ah, it comes from a Rothschild.  I see.  So, Angelina Jolie, the UN darling is doing double duty; taking the spotlight off hillary, and also introducing us to NORMALIZED incest (or incest as normalized......).

Anyway everyone, that is all for today, I thank you all for reading.

I forgot to say, Happy New Year!, last post, so I wish you well now.  I do hope we have a better year than last, considering all we face together this year, what with these repulsive elections, etc., or else we're all going to be disguising ourselves as car seats to get into Mexico!

Always, go with God, in Peace and please, spread the word of TRUTH.  Godbless.

** I stand w no lands and w all lands, as I come from no one yet I belong w everyone.  Ya feel me?  This is in re to my former giving a chit about the establishment of anywhere; usa, israel, etc..  I stand w and for peace and peace alone.  Everything else I've said here, hrc, angie jolie, my feelings have not changed. ~ cln Nov 5, 2019.  

Sunday, September 11, 2016


I'm back!

I hope you all had a great vacation, and or summer, and I hope you were able to spend quality time with the people you love.  Or, at least, spoiled yourself with relaxation.

After a four year hiatus from hitting up any coastal regions, I finally took my younger kids to the beach!  It was awesome.  I had forgotten how much I loved swimming, and floating in the ocean.  I had watched the film about the Christmas tsunami with Naomi Watts shortly after giving birth my last time and would not go anywhere near the coast. Anyway, driving back, lot after lot for miles had nothing but signs for people running for some political position.  Which then made me spend over an hour thinking about what I would do (because I had started to think about how much I abhor the whole system, everyone involved, etc.).

Here would be my bumper sticker "C******N********* FOR PEACE

My bullet points

  • everyone in DC needs to go
  • no one affiliated with an organization based on secrecy will be allowed in any authoritative position
  • no one who has been a member of any greek society can or will be in a position of authority
  • no one who holds a passport with any nation aside from the USA can be in political positions or hold political office
  • no lobbyists
  • end the illegal war on drugs
  • revamp our schools, by beginning to TEACH THE TRUTH
These were my starting point.  Definitely no Masons, Zionists, or Israel/USA (or ANY dual citizens of any nation's) passport holders in authoritative positions (i.e. Judges, DA's, Senators, Congress, etc.).  I'd even be wary of those who are in country clubs together, etc., as it breeds bias.  But we'd have to draw a line somewhere.

My one kid said, "wouldn't you'd be afraid they'd kill you?"

You know what?  Here's the facts about me; "they" already tried to kill me in the womb and I survived.  They've been trying to kill me ever since then and somehow, I've survived. I'm not afraid of them anymore.  I'm much more afraid of their blind followers, who swallow their bs, along with whatever pill they're pushing as they, those sorts terrify me.  And often, they are teachers, lawyers, social workers, etc. (the ones higher up KNOW this is a game of enslavement).

On a different, though same note.  It all became oh so clear this summer.  EVERYTHING is satanic here.  If Satanism is about dualism, what's good is bad and what's bad is good, well then, no need than to simply open your eyes and see it's beyond our worst nightmares out there!  But let's go back to the beginning, with the "In God I Trust."  This "God" they spoke of is not the same God I know.  This is not the Creator, who is LOVE, but their god, Lucifer.  The men who created our nation were practicing Freemasons, and members of whatever other "secret societies," and fraternities there are and were.  All of which denounce loving of Thy God, but rather focus their energy and adoration towards that of Lucifer. They also, then up to today, often will be in "christian" churches on Sunday.  THEREFOR, the god purported on many a courtroom wall, and on our currency is NOT GOD THE FATHER, but Lucifer.

Our, and my assessments in earlier posts about Lucifarians, their existence, control, etc. was quite right, though simply stated, as it's far larger and more encomapssing than at that time, my mind could comprehend.  But it's all true.

I've just began reading Lucifer's Flood (after I concluded these thoughts said above).  Pretty apt, considering.

WE CAN LIVE IN PEACE.  We were meant to live in peace.  There are just some people who are blocking that for the majority of us, and they need to be stripped of their power.  To begin to do that is to awaken yourself and those around you to the REALITY of this life.  If God wasn't real, if the constant spiritual war wasn't real, we wouldn't be dealing with the chit we are now.

Go with God and always, God bless.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Selma Blair: Victim of Sexual Abuse?

Actress Selma Blair was taken off of a plane today, via a stretcher. Witnesses to the event described Blair lost it, after she had mixed something into her glass of wine.  The disturbing part is, aside from her being with her four year old son at the time, is what she was witnessed as screaming.  "He burns my private parts." "He won't let me eat or drink." "He beats me and he's going to kill me." That, my friends, terrifies me.

A little background on Selma Blair.  She is the daughter of a Judge (her mother) and her father was an attorney active in the democratic party.  As a child, Selma was raised Jewish, having all of her schooling at the Hillel Day School in Farmington Hills, MI. Her Jewish name is Bat-Shiva.

This is Selma Blair several years ago. Round in the face, she looks slapped with makeup but healthy.  OK, none of the more recent pics I wanted to post will work.  Please look yourselves.

I will share my thoughts because reading celeb gossip has been my drug of choice since 2009, so I've been following her since the birth of her son, seeing the pics of her, the baby's father and the baby having brunch, to shortly afterwards, reading about how they were breaking up.  It was reported at the time that she had a zero balance on her credit card, and we, the world were in awe.

But here's what I noticed, then I'll get to the Hillel Schools.  #1, She clearly puts being a mom as THE most important job.  I can't say drinking booze with added pharms is a great choice, however, from my observations, solely via this contraption, she is ALWAYS with her son.  He is her #1 priority. #2, Her weight.  I've personally thought she'd looked malnutrition for years, even while still breastfeeding (I saw a pic of her breastfeeding her then 1+ yr old son).  Yet, I never saw anyone else say anything in comment sections, though they may have been moderated out,  who knows.  #3, In the pic I saw of her after she had her son, the one of her and her baby's father having brunch, her white roots were clearly visible (I notice these things as I am almost all white).  Soon after those pics, and the publication of her parting ways with the baby's father, I saw a pic of her walking with someone captioned as her mother and it always stuck with me for some reason.  The mother had dyed blondish hair.  Soon, Selma was seen with horrendous blond hair.  I know nothing of her career so I don't know if this was for a role, or to please.

Now, after reading this disturbing day's events, and doing a quick google search, I was shocked to find that Blair was raised Jewish, so much so, as attending a Jewish only, Hillel Day School.  I've heard horror stories about these schools, as with many other, whether religiously affiliated or not, it just seems Hillel schools keep out of the press with it.  No chit.  As far as other Jews are concerned, the problem of sexual abuse in Jewish schools are an epidemic.

I'd also like to touch base on the fact that to many, Hillel means or represents the angel who went against God, or  more commonly known as lucifer. Some dispute this, however, many like to dispute what is in the Talmud, etc. So, I'm concerned about what it is Ms. Blair screamed today, as often when a person is wound so tight, as she has looked the past few years, and has that wall temporarily taken down by such things as booze and pills, sometimes, the truth comes out. That would explain her constant need to be with her kid, survivors are like that.  People who haven't been literally screwed, are more naive and trusting.

Back to her mother.  WHY do I mentally record such odd things?  But even as recent as a few days ago, I still had that mental image of her with her mother pop into my mind.  Now to find out she's a judge!  All I can think of is Garden's of the Night (the film).  I'm not suggesting her mother is like the judge in the film, though I definitely do question most people who are judges, and such. What I am suggesting is that this poor mother, Selma Blair, has quite possibly been mentally suppressing possible childhood sexual abuse for a very long time, and now - she has snapped.

It would be nice if ALL OF US, could send her our prayers, good thoughts, positive energy, what have you, because if I am right, she will need them.

***I'd also like to note, and if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, which I have, that I don't believe in coincidence, but while writing this, and researching articles to link, somehow everyone's internet access stopped, though all units show that we are connected, like this lap top now, even though I cannot look up anything.  My kid just said, "Stop blogging what the jhews don't want you to.  I need to watch netflix." Madone.  LOL. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Kids Will Always Want to Know Their Roots

I have one more thing I'd like to say today.  This is something I can speak of, from first hand experience, and it doesn't pertain just to same sex couples, but to anyone raising a child not made from them, or grown within them.

I am an adoptee.  Within my life, like the saying goes, like a moth to a flame, I found myself surrounded by adoptees.  We would inherently flock to one another.  Fate, maybe, coincidence, definitely not.  Like I've said in other posts, energy is everything. 

What I want to talk about are all the children being born now, via surrogate, and sent to live with either same sex couples, or heterosexual couples.  I'm 40. In m generation it was mostly regular adopted kids I knew.  By "regular," I mean, usually we were children born of children who could not keep us. And I can assure you, no matter how much love or money we were given, just about all of the girls and some of the boys I knew, always wanted to find their birth mother's.  We all felt as if something was missing, a piece of us, unknown. Because it was. 

I found both of my birth parents after I turned 30.  When I found my birth father, I found out that he and his college girlfriend MADE a baby specifically for two of their professors that they loved and knew couldn't have children.  This is my younger sister.  She was loved, but never told that she was adopted.  She found out in her early teens, that she was made to be given away and she, like me, had a similar path from then on; had two kids of her own, succumbed to a drug addiction -though is sober and doing great now. 

My point is this, we are going to have an onslaught of children who are feeling lost, like they don't belong, like something is missing.  I know from finding my own parents, and also from watching my own children grow up that genetics are real.  All of these are such important factors in rearing kids.  It's a difficult journey just being a "regular" adopted kid being raised by heterosexual parents.  Add into that factor the idea the kids today are going to grow up knowing, i.e.: that some woman "cooked" them inside of her for money.  The thoughts of, were they loved while in that woman's womb, will be wondered.  Does she think about me, will be wondered.  And if these questions aren't pondered, I fear even more!

I don't think people have given much thought to their actions.  My generation, we were lucky to be born, considering Roe v Wade, selflessness by our birth mothers played far more of a role. Unlike now, where I definitely feel that selfishness has prevailed, and it's an absolute that the future generation will pay the price for it. 

There, I've said what I've wanted to. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Do You Walk With GOD?

This is from one of my favorite youtube channels.  I'm sharing it because I know, people for some reason proclaim one thing outward, yet seemingly forget that God knows their/our thoughts.  If those are not ital/pure, nor are we.  We can't hide from God.

I really think a lot of what will happen from Bilderberg '16 will be the eradicating of autonomy and anonymity on the web. We know that The TRUTH shall set you free. It will.  There is nothing more dangerous than that of the truth or someone who speaks the truth.  Like Mark Twain said, if you speak the truth, you don't have to remember anything.  Many bloggers and those with youtube channels, such as this lady, have been threatened because they have spoken the truth.  Do Not Fear.

Conniver's and shysters succeed, we all know that.  But they only succeed here.  Stand strong truth tellers and seekers.  For we all stand as one with God, and it will be ok.

Positive vibrations for today. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Here We GO! Legalized Beastiality is Offically Here

OK.  That hiatus lasted a whole four days.  Suffice to say, whenever I believe my husband is doing poorly, and tell him so (because I cannot keep my mouth shut), he recovers miraculously.  But I've digressed.

This morning while scanning the news during my daily dose of morning coffee, I came across this DISGUSTING gem. Here we go people.  It's on. Canada's Supreme Court has LEGALIZED some sexual acts with animals.  Basically, anything BUT actual penetration.  In this case, a stepfather had his 15 year old step daughter schmeer peanut butter, I presuming, on her privates and had the dog lick it off.  I am repulsed just writing that, yet some, such as those sitting judges, seemingly aren't. Insanity?  Yes.  I've long questioned judges mentality in the United States, the ones who deemed it morally, legally acceptable to put child rapists on a flipping list, as they lived AMONGST US, meanwhile sending teenagers into adult prisons for YEARS for a blunt of herb.  But this takes the cake.  THERE IS NO DOUBT, LUCIFERIANS RUN THE SHOW HERE. Absolutely zero doubt.

To say that we are done would be putting it mildly.  Remember that memo from a Senator making the rounds a few years ago, in regards to what else was in the pipeline for our "acceptance" - pedophilia, beastiality, what then, child snuff films? I simply just do not know.

This is outrageous. It's morally unacceptable. I can assure you, everyone I know, who are the "mainstream" those who follow suit with whatever the libtards in Hollywood promote will be right on board with this.  Guaranteed. Those Kartrashian watchers, those who give two chit's about what people like Lady gagme have to say.  They will follow suit and be all like, "the animals like it," "they licked off the peanut butter," etc.  FLIPPING MORONS, THE WHOLE LOT.

It's obvious we lost the plot ages ago.  Children have never been a protected group, just verbal meme propaganda.  Animals, who in my state, harbor more legal rights than that of children, are now being promoted for sex!  Good GOD I sincerely pray this is all hype to keep everyone from looking UP, because I for one will not shed one tear if Niburu hits, even if it lands on my own face.

This world is an outrage.

May God bless all of you. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Come Si Dice ...... Forget Your Troubles and Dance?

Not sure what else there is to say that I haven't already said.  In my own life, I have a husband who has ALS, and I don't think he is doing as well as he had been the past few years since his diagnosis.  Money sucks, but doesn't it always? Worrying about what would happen, a life without him is something I've in all sincerity, never been able to do. 
Society, well - is it not obvious how I feel about that? For now, there is nothing left to do but to step away from "the interweb," the onslaught of "news."  I can only focus on what I can do, what I can fix, which although may be ME (there's that ego), it really must begin, right now, with what I can do, in the here and now.  I've said I must find peace, I must focus on the positive (both true), and dealing with the grand scheme of things, toppled with this bit of personal info I've just shared, well, it's just too much (I've been mentally hanging on to an article I read a few weeks ago claiming that men who have wives who nag -live longer.  I'll let you know how that goes). 

So, the hiatus was and is real.  I'm leaving you all with this, as Bob Marley sang, forget your troubles and dance.  Heed the call and feel the groove.

There's no need to sweat it, right? It's coming, possibly here (the new Free world, the new Graceful dawn, the new tranquillo day, l' era di PACE -Godwilling).

Until next time,

Peace be Upon ALL of You & GOD Bless. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Epstein is Not the Only One

This case practically mirrors what happened to my child and myself.  My child's credibility wasn't attacked, everyone believed her, I was attacked.  They said I didn't like the jeffrey epstein-esque character, and I had it out for him. Come on.  Maybe if he didn't pay to protect my child's rapist, I wouldn't have had it out for him.  Maybe if he didn't himself have 3 counts of corruption of minor charges for furnishing alcohol to minors, I wouldn't have been so opposed to him  being around my then six year old!  But this is the name of the game, blame the person who sees through the lies.  Blame the person bringing up the truth, and above all SLAM any parent who will not sell their own child out.

Child sex is THE most profitable business in the world.  There are COUNTLESS Epstein's all over the United States, and across the globe today, right now, and they all avoid prosecution because why?  Who do you think is procuring these kids? The Elite.  The global elite, state and county elite.  End of. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Dr. Ronald Shimschuck, Real or Fraud?

Ok, so there's an article going around the web of a supposed interview with a nibiru whistleblower, Dr. Ronald Shimschuck. Many, including myself, googled to see if this guy was an actual guy, not that I didn't buy what he was saying.  However, I'm so disenchanted with this world, that my only hope that I cling to is that nibiru is real, and that obviously could have clouded my judgement.  No doubt about it.  I want nibiru to come.  But back to Shimschuck.

The general consensus seems to be that no one is buying this guy's story because they can't "find" anything on the world wide web about him.  I'd like to make a few points.  Namely, it was stated in an earlier article from the same site that Shimschuck had worked for Mcdonnell Dougless.  When I read that, I immediately thought of how impressed my mother was that one of my classmates in boarding school's father was the CEO of McDonnell Dougless (this was in the 1990's).  Well, there's nothing on the web about him (the father). Another anomaly, well two other anomalies; another classmate of mine from the same school, is a Baron from quite the historical family.  If you google him, only two things come up. And nothing which can give too much, if anything away, just the obvious.  Also, my ex boyfriend lived across the street from Dottie Bush, GWB's sister.  The whole tip of the "island" which they lived on isn't on google maps at all, as if it doesn't exist.  I can assure you it does, and I'm sure it was blocked off of google maps for the others who live there.  Names, none of us peons would know.

MY POINT IS: there are COUNTLESS people and things which you ARE NOT GOING TO FIND ANYWHERE ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB.  What is on here, "they" are "ok" with you seeing and knowing about.  Case in point, when I got a computer (remember, I was on the street for some time) back in 2003, I was researching Ethiopia.  It was there I found that on the Julian calendar, Sept 11 is the first day of the new year.  Hmm.  9/11 (***when I went to repost the link for that info in 2009, the date had been changed).   At the same time, I also searched Uday and Qusay Hussein believing the web would be rife with info, but nothing.  Mind you, the summer before 9/11/01, I can remember reading in a Maxime Magazine a lengthy article about both of them; how they, for fun, would kidnap female University students to rape and then feed them to dogs, etc. (propaganda much?).

You have to always keep yourself in check and DON'T BELIEVE FOR A SECOND YOU KNOW EVERYTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE ON THE WEB! I tried to find last week a book written by Rabbi Baal Shem Tov - and NOTHING.  Not a thing (the "Baal" didn't go unnoticed, don't worry).

So, just because you can't find anything on this Shimschuck on the world wide web, I don't feel it's a good enough reason to dismiss what it is he is saying.  It could also be a pseudonym.  Remember, there is nothing more dangerous than the truth.

All right.  That is all.

May God bless us all.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Electric Avenue

Here's the deal kids.  I want to find land, with a spring, to house and provide (farming, etc) for those of us who don't agree with the satanic new world order.  If I could, I would've left yesterday, to a third world country, but I can't.  My one child is still under court order of her pedophile rapist biological father, and presumably, the pedophile judge (facts, court records and county cps records prove, the kid WAS believed......but PA has THE worst child protection laws in the nation.  Hmmm, I wonder why) and Lord knows, if I so much as sneeze, he'd throw the book at me.  So USA land it must be.

Here are the rules for joining into and moving on to Electric Avenue (yes, like the song).

  • A LOVE for GOD (no matter what name you choose to use.  How many ways are there to say Hi in the world?)
  • LOVE of THYSELF (this does NOT mean free sex.  LOVE does not = SEX)
  • Respect for traditional families
  • NO SODOMY between anyone (whatever you chose to do before choosing to come to Electric Avenue will be forgiven as long as you adhere to the rules and live your life ACCORDINGLY)
  • NO PHARMACEUTICALS (if we grow it, we can use it.  "Everything in life has it's reason, in every season.")
  • NO SEX unless for pro-creation.  (Sex and procreation is a GIFT FROM GOD and should be used and seen as such.)
  • Weapons?  This is debateable.  Why?  Because if we have guns, we will have the FEDS up our arse.  If we don't and chit does hit the fan, how will we protect our water and food source?  So what I am thinking is, GOD is my homie 110%.  God will protect us.  If I have to have and utilize my faith, you will too.   We will walk the walk that we talk.  So let's leave the guns back in society. 
  • Lastly, NO STIFF NECKED FOOLS at all (and yes, again like the song).
We will Rock down to ELECTRIC AVENUE, and then we WILL take it higher.

Peace can be attained.  May GOD bless us all.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The War on Drugs = Trial Run for a USA Civil War

It has long been my theory that the War on Drugs was a stepping stone for the NWO, etc.  Inasmuch as, it took our country and divided us to this day.  We have the whites, and the "uncle tom's"of the black and browns who have mastered the game of being the "GOOD GUYS," busting the "drug dealers," and entry level players.  So basically, white and uncle tom's on one side vs the black and browns on the other.  End of.  YET, this has worked masterfully.  No one has batted an eye while for decades, young black and brown men and women have been stripped from their children, homes, lives, all for miniscule amounts of "drugs" sent into prisons for ridiculous amounts of prison time, and yet, the pedophiles who run the state's and country are fucking free.

No one cares.  Certainly not those on the "good guy," side.  They don't care here, but they will.  When they die.  The jig is only good here.  But I've digressed.

We are the most legally medicated country in the world.  Yet I can't smoke a J.  In my state, they will take your kids for good for a marijuana plant but not if you fuck them.  Crass?  Yes.  It fucking is.  AND NO ONE GIVES A SHIT.

They've played us (well YOU).  They played you well.  Never Mind as you were a warrior for the NWO, destroying families, because fuck them, they were nothing but "niggers," right, you never even thought to realize that you were and are NOTHING to the NWO.  You are being paid in garbage, to buy their garbage, BUT YOU HAVE BEEN BANKING ON SOULS.

Our time as come.  Shit has finally struck America.  Welcome to the NWO which YOU ALL USHERED IN.